Tweeting the lab

Free twitter badge
Image via Wikipedia

I’ve been interested for some time in capturing information and the context in which that information is created in the lab. The question of how to build an efficient and useable laboratory recording system is fundamentally one of how much information is necessary to record and how much of that can be recorded while bothering the researcher themselves as little as possible.

The Beyond the PDF mailing list has, since the meeting a few weeks ago, been partly focused on attempts to analyse human written text and to annotate these as structured assertions, or nanopublications. This is also the approach that many Electronic Lab Notebook systems attempt to take, capturing an electronic version of the paper notebook and in some cases trying to capture all the information in it in a structured form. I can’t help but feel that, while this is important, it’s almost precisely backwards. By definition any summary of a written text will throw away information, the only question is how much. Rather than trying to capture arbitrary and complex assertions in written text, it seems better to me to ask what simple vocabulary can be provided that can express enough of what people want to say to be useful.

In classic 80/20 style we ask what is useful enough to interest researchers, how much would we lose, and what would that be? This neatly sidesteps the questions of truth (though not of likelihood) and context that are the real challenge of structuring human authored text via annotation because the limited vocabulary and the collection of structured statements made provides an explicit context.

This kind of approach turns out to work quite well in the lab. In our blog based notebook we use a one item-one post approach where every research artifact gets its own URL. Both the verbs, the procedures, and the nouns, the data and materials, all have a unique identifier. The relationships between verbs and nouns is provided by simple links. Thus the structured vocabulary of the lab notebook is [Material] was input to [Process] which generated [Data] (where Material and Data can be interchanged depending on the process).  This is not so much 80/20 as 30/70 but even in this very basic form in can be quite useful. Along with records of who did something and when, and some basic tagging this actually makes a quite an effective lab notebook system.

The question is, how can we move beyond this to create a record which is richer enough to provide a real step up, but doesn’t bother the user any more than is necessary and justified by the extra functionality that they’re getting. In fact, ideally we’d capture a richer and more useful record while bothering the user less. A part of the solution lies in the work that Jeremy Frey’s group have done with blogging instruments. By having an instrument create a record of it’s state, inputs and outputs, the user is freed to focus on what their doing, and only needs to link into that record when they start to do their analysis.

Another route is the approach that Peter Murray-Rust’s group are exploring with interactive lab equipment, particularly a fume cupboard that can record spoken instructions and comments and track where objects are, monitoring an entire process in detail. The challenge in this approach lies in translating that information into something that is easy to use downstream. Audio and video remain difficult to search and worth with. Speech recognition isn’t great for formatting and clear presentation.

In the spirit of a limited vocabulary another approach is to use a lightweight infrastructure to record short comments, either structured, or free text. A bakery in London has a switch on its wall which can be turned to one of a small number of baked good as a batch goes into the oven. This is connected to a very basic twitter client then tells the world that there are fresh baked baguettes coming in about twenty minutes. Because this output data is structured it would in principle be possible to track the different baking times and preferences for muffins vs doughnuts over the day and over the year.

The lab is slightly more complex than a bakery. Different processes would take different inputs. Our hypothetical structured vocabulary would need to enable the construction of sentences with subjects, predicates, and objects, but as we’ve learnt with the lab notebook, even the simple predicate “is input to”, “is output of” can be very useful. “I am doing X” where X is one of a relatively small set of options provides real time bounds on when important events happened. A little more sophistication could go a long way. A very simple twitter client that provided a relatively small range of structured statements could be very useful. These statements could be processed downstream into a more directly useable record.

Last week I recorded the steps that I carried out in the lab via the hashtag #tweetthelab. These free text tweets make a serviceable, if not perfect, record of the days work. What is missing is a URI for each sample and output data file, and links between the inputs, the processes, and the outputs. But this wouldn’t be too hard to generate, particularly if instruments themselves were actually blogging or tweeting its outputs. A simple client on a tablet, phone, or locally placed computer would make it easy to both capture and to structure the lab record. There is still a need for free text comments and any structured description will not be able to capture everything but the potential for capturing a lot of the detail of what is happening in a lab, as it happens, is significant. And it’s the detail that often isn’t recorded terribly well, the little bits and pieces of exactly when something was done, what did the balance really read, which particular bottle of chemical was picked up.

Twitter is often derided as trivial, as lowering the barrier to shouting banal fragments to the world, but in the lab we need tools that will help us collect, aggregate and structure exactly those banal pieces so that we have them when we need them. Add a little bit of structure to that, but not too much, and we could have a winner. Starting from human discourse always seemed too hard for me, but starting with identifying the simplest things we can say that are also useful to the scientist on the ground seems like a viable route forward.

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What is it with researchers and peer review? or; Why misquoting Churchill does not an argument make

Winston Churchill in Downing Street giving his...
Image via Wikipedia

I’ve been meaning for a while to write something about peer review, pre and post publication, and the attachment of the research community to traditional approaches. A news article in Nature though, in which I am quoted seems to have really struck a nerve for many people and has prompted me to actually write something. The context in which the quote is presented doesn’t really capture what I meant but I stand by the statement in isolation:

“It makes much more sense in fact to publish everything and filter after the fact” – quoted in Mandavilli (2011) “Trial by Twitter” Nature 469, 286-287

I think there are two important things to tease out here, firstly a critical analysis of the problems and merits of peer review, and secondly a close look at how it could be improved, modified, or replaced. I think these merit separate posts so I’ll start here with the problems in our traditional approach.

One thing that has really started to puzzle me is how un-scientific scientists are about the practice of science. In their own domain researchers will tear arguments to pieces, critically analyse each piece for flaws, and argue incessantly over the data, the methodology, the analysis, and the conclusions that are being put forward, usually with an open mind and a positive attitude.

But shift their attention onto the process of research and all that goes out the window. Personal anecdote, gut feelings, half-baked calculations and sweeping statements suddenly become de rigueur.

Let me pick a toy example. Whenever an article appears about peer review it seems inevitably to begin or end with someone raising Churchill; something along the lines of:

“It’s exactly like what’s said about democracy,” he adds. “The peer-review process isn’t very good — but there really isn’t anything that’s better.” ibid

Now lets examine this through the lens of scientific argument. Firstly it’s an appeal to authority, not something we’re supposed to respect in science and in any case its a kind of transplanted authority. Churchill never said anything about peer review but even if he did, why should we care? Secondly it is a misquotation. In science we expect accurate citation. If we actually look at the Churchill quote we see:

“Many forms of Government have been tried and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.” – sourced from Wikiquotes, which cites: The Official Report, House of Commons (5th Series), 11 November 1947, vol. 444, cc. 206–07

The key here is “…apart from all those other[s…] tried from time to time…”. Churchill was arguing from historical evidence. The trouble is when it comes to peer review we a) have never really tried any other system so the quote really isn’t applicable (actually its worse than that, other systems have been used, mostly on a small scale, and they actually seem to work pretty well but that’s for the next post) and b) what evidence we do have shows almost universally that peer review is a waste of time and resources and that it really doesn’t achieve very much at all. It doesn’t effectively guarantee accuracy, it fails dismally at predicting importance, and its not really supporting any effective filtering.  If I appeal to authority I’ll go for one with some domain credibility, lets say the Cochrane Reviews which conclude the summary of a study of peer review with “At present, little empirical evidence is available to support the use of editorial peer review as a mechanism to ensure quality of biomedical research.” Or perhaps Richard Smith, a previous editor of the British Medical Journal, who describes the quite terrifying ineffectiveness of referees in finding errors deliberately inserted into a paper. Smith’s article is a good entry into to the relevant literature as is a Research Information Network study that notably doesn’t address the issue of whether peer review of papers helps to maintain accuracy despite being broadly supportive of the use of peer review to award grants.

Now does this matter? I mean in some ways people seem to feel we’re bumbling along well enough. Why change things? Well consider the following scenario.

The UK government gives £3B to a company, no real strings attached, except the expectation of them reporting back. At the end of the year the company says “we’ve done a lot of work but we know you’re worried about us telling you more than you can cope with, and you won’t understand most of it so we’ve filtered it for you.”

A reported digs a bit into this and is interested in these filters. The interview proceeds as follows:

“So you’ll be making the whole record available as well as the stuff that you’ve said is most important presumably? I mean that’s easy to do?”

“No we’d be worried about people getting the wrong idea so we’ve kept all of that hidden from them.”

“OK, but you’ll be transparent about the filtering at least?”

“No, we’ll decide behind closed doors with three of our employers and someone to coordinate the decision. We can’t really provide any information on who is making the decisions on what has been filtered out. Our employees are worried that their colleagues might get upset about their opinions so we have to keep it secret who looked at what.”

“Aaaalright so how much does this filtering cost?”

“We’re not too sure, but we think between £180M and £270M a year.”

“And that comes out of the £3B?”

“No, we bill that separately to another government department.”

“And these filters, you are sure that they work?”

“Well we’ve done a bit of work on that, but no-one in the company is especially interested in the results.”

“But what are the results?”

“Well we can’t show any evidence that the filtering is any good for deciding what is important or whether it’s accurate, but our employees are very attached to it. I can get some of them in, they’ll tell you lots of stories about how its worked for them…”

I mean seriously? They’d be ripped to shreds in moments. What if this happened within government? The media would have a field day. What makes us as a research community any different? And how are you going to explain that difference to taxpapers? Lets look at the evidence, see where the problems are , see where the good things are, and lets start taking our responsibility to the public purse seriously. Lets abandon the gut feelings and anecdotes and actually start applying some scientific thinking to the processes we used to do and communicate science. After all if science works, then we can’t lose can we?

Now simply abandoning the current system tomorrow is untenable and impractical. And there are a range of perfectly valid concerns that can be raised about moving to different systems. These are worth looking at closely and we need to consider carefully what kinds of systems and what kinds of transition might work. But that is a job for a second post.

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Hoist by my own petard: How to reduce your impact with restrictive licences

No Television
Image via Wikipedia

I was greatly honoured to be asked to speak at the symposium held on Monday to recognize Peter Murray-Rusts’ contribution to scholarly communication. The lineup was spectactular, the talks insightful and probing, and the discussion serious, but also no longer trapped in the naive yes/no discussions of openness and machine readability, but moving on into detail, edge cases, problems and issues.

For my own talk I wanted to do something different to what I’ve been doing in recent talks. Following the example of Deepak Singh, John Wilbank and others I’ve developed what seems to be a pretty effective way of doing an advocacy talk, involving lots of slides, big images, few words going by at a fast rate. Recently I did 118 slides in 20 minutes. The talk for Peter’s symposium required something different so I eschewed slides and just spoke for 40 minutes wanting to explore the issues deeply rather than skate over the surface in the way the rapid fire approach tends to do.

The talk was, I think, reasonably well received and provoked some interesting (and heated) discussion. I’ve put the draft text I was working from up on an Etherpad. However due to my own stupidity the talk was neither livestreamed nor recorded. In a discussion leading up to talk I was asked whether I wanted to put up a pretty picture as a backdrop and I thought it would be good to put up the licensing slide that I use in all of my talks to show that livestreaming, twittering, etc, is fine and encouraging people to do it. The trouble is that I navigated to the slideshare deck that has that slide and just hit full screen without thinking. What the audience therefore saw was the first slide, which looks like this.

A restrictive talk licence prohibiting live streaming, tweeting, etc.

I simply didn’t notice as I was looking the other way. The response to this was both instructive and interesting. The first thing that happened as soon as the people running the (amazingly effective given the resources they had) livestream and recording saw the slide they shut down everything. In a sense this is really positive, it shows that people respect the requests of the speaker by default.

Across the audience people didn’t tweet, and indeed in a couple of cases deleted photographs that they had taken. Again the respect for the request people thought I was making was solid. Even in an audience full of radicals and open geeks no-one questioned the request. I’m slightly gobsmacked in fact that no-one shouted at me to ask what the hell I thought I was doing. Some thought I was being ironic, which I have to say would have been too clever by half. But again it shows, if you ask, people do for the most part respect that request.

Given the talk was about research impact, and how open approaches will enable it, it is rather ironic that by inadvertantly using the wrong slide I probably significantly reduced the impact of the talk. There is no video that I can upload, no opportunity for others to see the talk. Several people who I know were watching online whose opinion I value didn’t get to see the talk, and the tweetstream that I might have hoped would be full of discussion, disagreement, and alternative perspectives was basically dead. I effectively made my own point, reducing what I’d hoped might kick off a wider discussion to a dead talk that only exists in a static document and memories of the limited number of people who were in the room.

The message is pretty clear. If you want to reduce the effectiveness and impact of the work you’re doing, if you want to limit the people you can reach, then use restrictive terms. If you want our work to reach people and to maximise the chance it has to make a difference, make it clear and easy for people to understand that they are encouraged to copy, share, and cite your work. Be open. Make a difference.

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PLoS (and NPG) redefine the scholarly publishing landscape

Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed...
Image via Wikipedia

Nature Publishing Group yesterday announced a new venture, very closely modelled on the success of PLoS ONE, titled Scientific Reports. Others have started to cover the details and some implications so I won’t do that here. I think there are three big issues here. What does this tell us about the state of Open Access? What are the risks and possibilities for NPG? And why oh why does NPG keep insisting on a non-commercial licence? I think those merit separate posts so here I’m just going to deal with the big issue. And I think this is really big.

[I know it bores people, hell it bores me, but the non-commercial licence is a big issue. It is an even bigger issue here because this launch may define the ground rules for future scholarly communication. Open Access with a non-commercial licence actually achieves very little either for the community, or indeed for NPG, except perhaps as a cynical gesture. The following discussion really assumes that we can win the argument with NPG to change those terms. If we can the future is very interesting indeed.]

The Open Access movement has really been defined by two strands of approach. The “Green Road” involves self archiving of pre-prints or published articles in subscription journals as a means of providing access. It has had its successes, perhaps more so in the humanities, with deposition mandates becoming increasingly common both at the institutional level and the level of funders. The other approach, the “Gold Road” is for most intents and purposes defined by commercial and non-profit publishers based on a business model of article processing charges (APCs) to authors and making the published articles freely available at a publisher website. There is a thriving community of “shoe-string business model” journals publishing small numbers of articles without processing charges but in terms of articles published OA publishing is dominated by BioMedCentral, the pioneers in this area, now owned by Springer, Public Library of Science, and on a smaller scale Hindawi. This approach has gained more traction in the sciences, particularly the biological sciences.

From my perspective yesterday’s announcement means that for the sciences, the argument for Gold Open Access as the default publication mechanism has effectively been settled. Furthermore the future of most scholarly publishing will be in publication venues that place no value on a subjective assessment of “importance”. Those are big claim, but NPG have played a bold and possibly decisive move, in an environment where PLoS ONE was already starting to dominate some fields of science.

PLoS ONE was already becoming a default publication venue. A standard path for getting a paper published is, have a punt at Cell/Nature/Science, maybe a go at one of the “nearly top tier” journals, and then head straight for PLoS ONE, in some cases with the technical assessments already in hand. However in some fields, particularly chemistry, the PLoS brand wasn’t enough to be attractive against the strong traditional pull of American Chemical Society or Royal Society of Chemistry journals and Angewandte Chemie. Scientific Reports changes this because of the association with the Nature brand. If I were the ACS I’d be very worried this morning.

The announcement will also be scaring the hell out of those publishers who have a lot of separate, lower tier journals. The problem for publication business models has never been with the top tier, that can be made to work because people want to pay for prestige (whether we can afford it in the long term is a separate question). The problem has been the volume end of the market. I back Dorothea Salo’s prediction [and again] that 2011/12 would see the big publishers looking very closely at their catalogue of 100s or 1000s of low yield, low volume, low prestige journals and see the beginning of mass closures, simply to keep down subscription increases that academic libraries can no longer pay for. Aggregated large scale journals with streamlined operating and peer review procedures, simplified and more objective selection criteria, and APC supported business models make a lot of sense in this market. Elsevier, Wiley, Springer (and to a certain extent BMC) have just lost the start in the race to dominate what may become the only viable market in the medium term.

With two big players now in this market there will be real competition. Others have suggested [see Jason Priem‘s comment] this will be on the basis of services and information. This might be true in the longer term but in the short to medium term it will be on two issues: brand, and price. The choice of name is a risk for NPG, the Nature brand is crucial to success of the venture, but there’s a risk of dilution of the brand which is NPG’s major asset. That the APC for Science Reports has been set identically to PLoS ONE is instructive. I have previously argued that APC driven business models will be the most effective way of forcing down publication costs and I would expect to see competition develop here. I hope we might soon see a third player in this space to drive effective competition.

At the end of the day what this means is that there are now seriously credible options for publishing in Open Access venues (assuming we win the licensing argument) across the sciences, that funders now support Article Processing Charges, and that there is really no longer any reason to publish in that obscure subscription journal that no-one actually read anyway. The dream of a universal database of freely accessible research outputs is that much closer to our reach.

Above all, this means that PLoS in particular has succeeded in its aim of making Gold Open Access publication a credible default option. The founders and team at PLoS set out with the aim of changing the publication landscape. PLoS ONE was a radical and daring step at the time which they pulled off. The other people who experimented in this space also deserve credit but it was PLoS ONE in particular that found the sweet spot between credibility and pushing the envelope. I hope that those in office are cracking open some bubbly today. But not too much. For the first time there is now some serious competition and its going to be tough to keep up. There remains a lot more work to be done (assuming we can sort out the licence).

Full disclosure: I am an academic editor for PLoS ONE, editor in chief of the BioMedCentral journal Open Research Computation, and have advised PLoS, BMC, and NPG in a non-paid capacity on a variety of issues that relate closely to this post.

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Finding the time…

My melting time
Image by Aníbal Pées Labory via Flickr

Long term readers of this blog will know that I occasionally write an incomprehensible post that no-one understands about the nature of time on the web. This is my latest attempt to sort my thinking out on the issue. I don’t hold out that much hope but it seemed appropriate for the New Year…

2010 was the year that real time came to the mainstream web. From the new Twitter interface to live updates, the flash crash, any number of other developments and stories focussed on how everything is getting faster, better, more responsive. All of this is good, but I don’t think its the end game. Real time is fun but it is merely a technical achievement. It is just faster. It demonstrates our technical ability to overcome observable latency but beyond that not a lot.

Real time also seems to have narrowed the diversity of our communities, paradoxically by speeding up the conversation. As conversations have moved from relatively slow media (such as blog comments) through non-real time services, through to places like twitter I have noticed the geographical spread of my conversations has narrowed. I am more limited because the timeframe of the conversations limited them to people near enough to my own timezone. As I move to different timezones, the people, the subjects, and the tone of the conversation changes. I become trapped by the native timeframe of the conversation, which on Twitter is just slightly slower than a spoken conversation.

A different perspective. Someone last year (I’m embarrassed to say I can’t remember who) talked to me about the idea of using the live twitter stream generated during a talk to subtitle the video (thanks to @ambrouk for the link) of that talk to enable searching. Essentially using the native timestamp of both twitter and the video to synchronise a textual record of what the speaker was talking about. Now this is interesting from a search perspective but I found it even more interesting from a conversational perspective. Imagine that watching a video of a talk and you see embedded a tweeted comment that you want to follow up. Well you can just reply, but the original commenter won’t have any context for your pithy remark. But what if it were possible to use the video to recreate the context? The context is at least partly shared, if the original commenter was viewing the talk remotely then almost completely shared, so can we (partially) recreate enough of the setting, efficiently enough, to enable that conversation to continue?

This is now a timeshifted conversation. Time shifting, or more precisely controlling the intrinsic timescale of a conversation, is for me the big challenge. Partly I was prompted to write this post by the natural use of “timeshifting” in a blog post by Andrew Walkingshaw in reference to using Instapaper. Instapaper lets you delay a very simple “conversation” into a timeframe under your control but it is very crude. The context is only re-created in as much as the content that you selected is saved for a later time. To really enable conversations to be timeshifted requires much more sophisticated recreation of context as well as very sensitive notification. When is the right moment to re-engage?

One of the things I love about Friendfeed (and interestingly one of the things Robert Scoble hates, but that’s another blog post) is the way that as a conversation proceeds a whole thread is promoted back to the top of the stream as a new comment or interaction comes in. This both provides notification that the conversation is continuing but also critically recreates the context of the ongoing discussion. I think this is part of what originally tipped me into thinking about time and context.

The point is that technically we need to regain the control of our time. Currently the value of our conversations are diminished by our ability to control their intrinsic timescale. For people like Scoble who actually live in the continuous flow, this is fine. But this is not a feasible mode of interaction for many of us. It isn’t a productive mode of interaction for many of us, much of the time, and we are losing potential value that is in the stream. We need mechanisms that re-surface the conversation at the right time, and on the right timescale, we need tools that enable us to timeshift conversations both with people and with technology, but above all we need effective and efficient ways to recover the context in which those conversations are taking place.

If these problem can be solved then we can move away from the current situation where social media tools are built by and used and critiqued largely by the people who can spend the most time interactign with them. We don’t get a large proportion of the potential value out of these tools because they don’t support occasional and timeshifted modes of interaction, which in turn means that most people don’t get much value out them, and in turn means that most people don’t use them. Facebook is so dominant precisely because the most common conversation is effectively saying “hello, I’m still here!”, something that requires very little context to make sense. That lack of a need for context makes it possible for everyone from the occasional user to the addict to get value from the service. It doesn’t matter how long it takes for someone to reply “hello, I’m still here as well”, the lack of required context means it still makes sense. Unless you’ve forgotten entirely who the person is…

To extract the larger potential value from social media, particularly in professional settings, we need to make this work on a much more sophisticated scale. Notifications that come when they should based on content and importance, capturing and recreating context that makes it possible to continue conversations over hours, days, years or even decades. If this can be made to work, then a much wider range of people will gain real value from their interactions. If a larger proportion of people are interacting there is more value that can be realised. The real time web is an important step along the road in this direction but it is really only first base. Time to move on.

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Open Research Computation: An ordinary journal with extraordinary aims.

I spend a lot of my time arguing that many of the problems in the research community are caused by journals. We have too many, they are an ineffective means of communicating the important bits of research, and as a filter they are inefficient and misleading. Today I am very happy to be publicly launching the call for papers for a new journal. How do I reconcile these two statements?

Computation lies at the heart of all modern research. Whether it is the massive scale of LHC data analysis or the use of Excel to graph a small data set. From the hundreds of thousands of web users that contribute to Galaxy Zoo to the solitary chemist reprocessing an NMR spectrum we rely absolutely on billions of lines of code that we never think to look at. Some of this code is in massive commercial applications used by hundreds of millions of people, well beyond the research community. Sometimes it is a few lines of shell script or Perl that will only ever be used by the one person who wrote it. At both extremes we rely on the code.

We also rely on the people who write, develop, design, test, and deploy this code. In the context of many research communities the rewards for focusing on software development, of becoming the domain expert, are limited. And the cost in terms of time and resource to build software of the highest quality, using the best of modern development techniques, is not repaid in ways that advance a researcher’s career. The bottom line is that researchers need papers to advance, and they need papers in journals that are highly regarded, and (say it softly) have respectable impact factors. I don’t like it. Many others don’t like it. But that is the reality on the ground today, and we do younger researchers in particular a disservice if we pretend it is not the case.

Open Research Computation is a journal that seeks to directly address the issues that computational researchers have. It is, at its heart, a conventional peer reviewed journal dedicated to papers that discuss specific pieces of software or services. A few journals now exist in this space that either publish software articles or have a focus on software. Where ORC will differ is in its intense focus on the standards to which software is developed, the reproducibility of the results it generates, and the accessibility of the software to analysis, critique and re-use.

The submission criteria for ORC Software Articles are stringent. The source code must be available, on an appropriate public repository under an OSI compliant license. Running code, in the form of executables, or an instance of a service must be made available. Documentation of the code will be expected to a very high standard, consistent with best practice in the language and research domain, and it must cover all public methods and classes. Similarly code testing must be in place covering, by default, 100% of the code. Finally all the claims, use cases, and figures in the paper must have associated with them test data, with examples of both input data and the outputs expected.

The primary consideration for publication in ORC is that your code must be capable of being used, re-purposed, understood, and efficiently built on. You work must be reproducible. In short, we expect the computational work published in ORC to deliver at the level that is expected in experimental research.

In research we build on the work of those that have gone before. Computational research has always had the potential to deliver on these goals to a level that experimental work will always struggle to, yet to date it has not reliably delivered on that promise. The aim of ORC is to make this promise a reality by providing a venue where computational development work of the highest quality can be shared, and can be celebrated. To provide a venue that will stand for the highest standards in research computation and where developers, whether they see themselves more as software engineers or as researchers who code, will be proud to publish descriptions of their work.

These are ambitious goals and getting the technical details right will be challenging. We have assembled an outstanding editorial board, but we are all human, and we don’t expect to get it all right, first time. We will be doing our testing and development out in the open as we develop the journal and will welcome comments, ideas, and criticisms to If you feel your work doesn’t quite fit the guidelines as I’ve described them above get in touch and we will work with you to get it there. Our aim, at the end of the day is to help the research developer to build better software and to apply better development practice. We can also learn from your experiences and wider ranging review and proposal papers are also welcome.

In the end I was persuaded to start yet another journal only because there was an opportunity to do something extraordinary within that framework. An opportunity to make a real difference to the recognition and quality of research computation. In the way it conducts peer review, manages papers, and makes them available Open Research Computation will be a very ordinary journal. We aim for its impact to be anything but.

Other related posts:

Jan Aerts: Open Research Computation: A new journal from BioMedCentral

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Macmillan do interesting stuff

In short succession a series of new initiatives have come out of Macmillan. From Nature Publishing Group a new protocol exchange, providing a space to share, collect, and refer to research protocols. The ones I’ve looked at so far are connected to published papers, in a similar manner to the way Nature Protocols works largely as a repository for detailed methods from papers in the Nature Stable. The setup focuses around lab groups and currently most of these are private. I’ve already complained about the fact that the licence for the protocols is a non-commercial Creative Commons variant so I won’t labour that point here.

For me Protocol Exchange is interesting because it represents a further exploration of the types of objects that can be published. NPG has a history of pushing the envelope on this, particularly within their online services. The Nature brand is a powerful way of making these new forms of publication credible and that on its own makes Protocol Exchange interesting. I’ll be interested to look more closely into the longer term business model for the exchange but in its current form it is free to use to store protocols and easily allows you to open them up for people to see. This will be worth watching, both for the uptake of the service itself and what is suggests about the longer term strategy for NPG’s online offering.

Also within NPG and the Nature Network service the new Workbench, a kind of iGoogle for research is very interesting. I’ll have a look at this in a later post alongside the SciVerse offering from Elsevier.

Outside of NPG but within the larger Macmillan group this week also saw the launch of Digital-Science a new business unit that is probably best expressed as Timo Hannay being let loose to really push the envelope in building online services for researchers within a commercial setting. Timo has for a long time articulated a coherent vision of what online services for researchers ranging from personal research management to publication channels, search and discovery, could look like. Watching him make that a reality will be very interesting to watch.

Thus far Digital-Science has bought in a series of existing properties, SureChem, BioData, and Symplectic, none of which I am terribly familiar with. There are other products being considered and developed and very interestingly an open call for business plans and proposals, positioning the organization as a potential incubator for research related start-ups. It is early days but one thing is very clear is that the team that has been put together is extremely impressive. The detail may be currently light but with these people you can expect serious stuff to happen.

Along with organizations like Mekentosj and Mendeley, Citeulike, Zotero, and the work at Elsevier, Amazon, and Microsoft, a question really has to be asked about the ability of the academic research community to deliver tools for ourselves. There is a lot of building going on, mostly in silos, but to be frank the real innovation is happening in the commercial sector. The reasons behind this are well rehearsed and I don’t necessarily see it as a bad thing, there are advantages and disadvantages. But in a perfect world the commercial and academic developments in this space would be interoperable and complementary. At the moment it feels like we’re just lagging behind more interesting and exciting commercial developments. As a research community we should be looking very hard at ourselves and asking whether we’re just building the same stuff, to a lower quality, and slower, or whether we are really adding value.

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Forward linking and keeping context in the scholarly literature

Alchemical symbol for arsenic
Image via Wikipedia

Last Friday I spoke at the STM Innovation Seminar in London, taking in general terms the theme I’ve been developing recently of focussing on enabling user discovery rather than providing central filtering, of enabling people to act as their own gatekeeper rather than publishers taking that role on for themselves.

An example I used, one I’ve used before was the hydride oxidation paper that was published in JACS, comprehensively demolished online and subsequently retracted. The point I wanted to make was that detailed information, the comprehensive view of what had happened was only available by searching Google. In retrospect, as has been pointed out to me in private communication, this wasn’t such a good example because, there is often more detailed information available in the published retraction. It isn’t always as visible as I might like, particularly to automated systems but actually the ACS does a pretty good job overall with retractions.

Had it come a few days earlier the arsenic microbes paper, and subsequent detailed critique might well have made a better example. Here again, the detailed criticism is not visible from the paper but only through a general search on the web, or via specialist indexes like The external reader, arriving at the paper, would have no idea that this conversation was even occurring. The best case scenario is that if and when a formal critique is published that this will be visible from the page, but even in this case this can easily be buried in other citations from the formal literature.

The arsenic story is still unfolding and deserves close observation, as does the critique of the P/NP paper from a few months ago. However a broader trend does appear to be evident. If a high profile paper is formally published, it will receive detailed, public critique. This in itself is remarkable. Open peer review is happening, even becoming common place, an expected consequence of the release of big papers. What is perhaps even more encouraging as that when that critique starts it seems capable of aggregating sufficient expertise to make the review comprehensive. When Rosie Redfield first posted her critique of the arsenic paper I noted that she skipped over the EXAFS data which I felt could be decisive. Soon after, people with EXAFS expertise were in the comments section of the blog post, pulling it apart [1, 2, 3, 4].

Two or three things jump out at me here. First that the complaint that people “won’t comment on papers” now seems outdated. Sufficiently high profile papers will receive criticism, and woe betide those journals who aren’t able to summon a very comprehensive peer review panel for these papers. Secondly that this review is not happening on journal websites even when journals provide commenting fora. The reasons for this are, in my opinion, reasonably clear. The journal websites are walled gardens, often requiring sign in, often with irritating submission or review policies. People simply can’t be arsed. The second is the fact that people are much more comfortable commenting in their own spaces, their own blogs, their community on twitter or facebook. These may not be private, but they feel safer, less wide open.

This leads onto the third point. I’ve been asked recently to try to identify what publishers (widely drawn) can do to take advantage of social media in general terms. Forums and comments haven’t really worked, not on the journal websites. Other adventures have had some success, some failures, but nothing which has taken the world by storm.

So what to do? For me the answer is starting to form, and it might be one that seems obvious. The conversation will always take place externally. Conversations happen where people come together. And people fundamentally don’t come together on journal websites. The challenge is to capture this conversation and use it to keep the static paper in context. I’d like to ditch the concept of the version of record but its not going to happen. What we can do, what publishers could do to add value and, drawing on theme of my talk, to build new discovery paths that lead to the paper, is to keep annotating, keep linking, keep building the story around the paper as it develops.

This is both technically achievable and it would add value that doesn’t really exist today. It’s something that publishers with curation and editorial experience and the right technical infrastructure could do well. And above all it is something that people might find of sufficient value to pay for.

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Beyond the Impact Factor: Building a community for more diverse measurement of research

An old measuring tape
Image via Wikipedia

I know I’ve been a bit quiet for a few weeks. Mainly I’ve been away for work and having a brief holiday so it is good to be plunging back into things with some good news. I am very happy to report that the Open Society Institute has agreed to fund the proposal that was built up in response to my initial suggestion a month or so ago.

OSI, which many will know as one of the major players in bringing the Open Access movement to its current position, will fund a workshop that will identify both potential areas where the measurement and aggregation of research outputs can be improved as well as barriers to achieving these improvements. This will be immediately followed by a concentrated development workshop (or hackfest) that will aim to deliver prototype examples that show what is possible. The funding also includes further development effort to take one or two of these prototypes and develop them to proof of principle stage, ideally with the aim of deploying these into real working environments where they might be useful.

The workshop structure will be developed by the participants over the 6 weeks leading up to the date itself. I aim to set that date in the next week or so, but the likelihood is early to mid-March. The workshop will be in southern England, with the venue to be again worked out over the next week or so.

There is a lot to pull together here and I will be aiming to contact everyone who has expressed an interest over the next few weeks to start talking about the details. In the meantime I’d like to thank everyone who has contributed to the effort thus far. In particular I’d like to thank Melissa Hagemann and Janet Haven at OSI and Gunner from Aspiration who have been a great help in focusing and optimizing the proposal. Too many people contributed to the proposal itself to name them all (and you can check out the GoogleDoc history if you want to pull apart their precise contributions) but I do want to thank Heather Piwowar and David Shotton in particular for their contributions.

Finally, the success of the proposal, and in particular the community response around it has made me much more confident that some of the dreams we have for using the web to support research are becoming a reality. The details I will leave for another post but what I found fascinating is how far the network of people spread who could be contacted, essentially through a single blog post. I’ve contacted a few people directly but most have become involved through the network of contacts that spread from the original post. The network, and the tools, are effective enough that a community can be built up rapidly around an idea from a much larger and more diffuse collection of people. The challenge of this workshop and the wider project is to see how we can make that aggregated community into a self sustaining conversation that produces useful outputs over the longer term.

It’s a complete co-incidence that Michael Nielsen posted a piece in the past few hours that forms a great document for framing the discussion. I’ll be aiming to write something in response soon but in the meantime follow the top link below.

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Binary decisions are a real problem in a grey-scale world

Peer Review Monster
Image by Gideon Burton via Flickr

I recently made the most difficult decision I’ve had to take thus far as a journal editor. That decision was ultimately to accept the paper; that probably doesn’t sound like a difficult decision until I explain that I made this decision despite a referee saying I should reject the paper with no opportunity for resubmission not once, but twice.

One of the real problems I have with traditional pre-publication peer review is the way it takes a very nuanced problem around a work which has many different parts and demands that you take a hard yes/no decision. I could point to many papers that will probably remain unpublished where the methodology or the data might have been useful but there was disagreement about the interpretation. Or where there was no argument except that perhaps this was the wrong journal (with no suggestion of what the right one might be). Recently we had a paper rejected because we didn’t try to make up some spurious story about the biological reason for an interesting physical effect. Of course, we wanted to publish in a biologically slanted journal because that’s where it might come to the attention of people with ideas about what the biological relevance was.

So the problem is two-fold. Firstly that the paper is set up in a way that requires it to go forward or to fail as a single piece, despite the fact that one part might remain useful while another part is clearly wrong. The second is that this decision is binary, there is no way to “publish with reservations about X”, in most cases indeed no way to even mark which parts of the paper were controversial within the review process.

Thus when faced with this paper where, in my opinion, the data reported were fundamentally sound and well expressed but the intepretation perhaps more speculative than the data warranted, I was torn. The guidelines of PLoS ONE are clear: conclusions must be supported by valid evidence. Yet the data, even if the conclusions are proven wrong, are valuable in their own right. The referee objected fundamentally to the strength of the conclusion as well as having some doubts about the way those conclusions were drawn.

So we went through a process of couching the conclusions in much more careful terms, a greater discussion of the caveats and alternative interpretations. Did this fundamentally change the paper? Not really. Did it take a lot of time? Yes, months in the end. But in the end it felt like a choice between making the paper fit the guidelines, or blocking the publication of useful data. I hope the disagreement over the interpretation of the results and even the validity of the approach will play out in the comments for the paper or in the wider literature.

Is there a solution? Well I would argue that if we published first and then reviewed later this would solve many problems. Continual review and markup as well as modification would match what we actually do as our ideas change and the data catches up and propels us onwards. But making it actually happen? Still very hard work and a long way off.

In any case, you can always comment on the paper if you disagree with me. I just have.

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