What would scholarly communications look like if we invented it today?

Image by cameronneylon via Flickr

I’ve largely stolen the title of this post from Daniel Mietchen because I it helped me to frame the issues. I’m giving an informal talk this afternoon and will, as I frequently do, use this to think through what I want to say. Needless to say this whole post is built to a very large extent on the contributions and ideas of others that are not adequately credited in the text here.

If we imagine what the specification for building a scholarly communications system would look like there are some fairly obvious things we would want it to enable. Registration of ideas, data or other outputs for the purpose of assigning credit and priority to the right people is high on everyone’s list. While researchers tend not to think too much about it, those concerned with the long term availability of research outputs would also place archival and safekeeping high on the list as well. I don’t imagine it will come as any surprise that I would rate the ability to re-use, replicate, and re-purpose outputs very highly as well. And, although I won’t cover it in this post, an effective scholarly communications system for the 21st century would need to enable and support public and stakeholder engagement. Finally this specification document would need to emphasise that the system will support discovery and filtering tools so that users can find the content they are looking for in a huge and diverse volume of available material.

So, filtering, archival, re-usability, and registration. Our current communications system, based almost purely on journals with pre-publication peer review doesn’t do too badly at archival although the question of who is actually responsible for actually doing the archival, and hence paying for it doesn’t always seem to have a clear answer. Nonetheless the standards and processes for archiving paper copies are better established, and probably better followed in many cases, than those for digital materials in general, and certainly for material on the open web.

The current system also does reasonably well on registration, providing a firm date of submission, author lists, and increasingly descriptions of the contributions of those authors. Indeed the system defines the registration of contributions for the purpose of professional career advancement and funding decisions within the research community. It is a clear and well understood system with a range of community expectations and standards around it. Of course this is circular as the career progression process feeds the system and the system feeds career progression. It is also to some extent breaking down as wider measures of “impact” become important. However for the moment it is an area where the incumbent has clear advantages over any new system, around which we would need to grow new community standards, expectations, and norms.

It is on re-usability and replication where our current system really falls down. Access and rights are a big issue here, but ones that we are gradually pushing back. The real issues are much more fundamental. It is essentially assumed, in my experience, by most researchers that a paper will not contain sufficient information to replicate an experiment or analysis. Just consider that. Our primary means of communication, in a philosophical system that rests almost entirely on reproducibility, does not enable even simple replication of results. A lot of this is down to the boundaries created by the mindset of a printed multi-page article. Mechanisms to publish methods, detailed laboratory records, or software are limited, often leading to a lack of care in keeping and annotating such records. After all if it isn’t going in the paper why bother looking after it?

A key advantage of the web here is that we can publish a lot more with limited costs and we can publish a much greater diversity of objects. In principle we can solve the “missing information” problem by simply making more of the record available. However those important pieces of information need to be captured in the first place. Because they aren’t currently valued, because they don’t go in the paper, they often aren’t recorded in a systematic way that makes it easy to ultimately publish them. Open Notebook Science, with its focus on just publishing everything immediately, is one approach to solving this problem but it’s not for everyone, and causes its own overhead. The key problem is that recording more, and communicating it effectively requires work over and above what most of us are doing today. That work is not rewarded in the current system. This may change over time, if as I have argued we move to metrics based on re-use, but in the meantime we also need much better, easier, and ideally near-zero burden tools that make it easier to capture all of this information and publish it when we choose, in a useful form.

Of course, even with the perfect tools, if we start to publish a much greater portion of the research record then we will swamp researchers already struggling to keep up. We will need effective ways to filter this material down to reduce the volume we have to deal with. Arguably the current system is an effective filter. It almost certainly reduces the volume and rate at which material is published. Of all the research that is done, some proportion is deemed “publishable” by those who have done it, a small portion of that research is then incorporated into a draft paper and some proportion of those papers are ultimately accepted for publication. Up until 20 years ago where the resource pinch point was the decision of whether or not to publish something this is exactly what you would want. The question of whether it is an effective filter; is it actually filtering the right stuff out, is somewhat more controversial. I would say the evidence for that is weak.

When publication and distribution was the expensive part that was the logical place to make the decision. Now these steps are cheap the expensive part of the process is either peer review, the traditional process of making a decision prior to publication, or conversely, the curation and filtering after publication that is seen more widely on the open web. As I have argued I believe that using the patterns of the web will be ultimately a more effective means of enabling users to discover the right information for their needs. We should publish more; much more and much more diversely but we also need to build effective tools for filtering and discovering the right pieces of information. Clearly this also requires work, perhaps more than we are used to doing.

An imaginary solution

So what might this imaginary system that we would design look like. I’ve written before about both key aspects of this. Firstly I believe we need recording systems that as far as possible record and publish both the creation of objects, be they samples, data, or tools. As far as possible these should make a reliable, time stamped, attributable record of the creation of these objects as a byproduct of what the researcher needs to do anyway. A simple concept for instance is a label printer that, as a byproduct of printing off a label, makes a record of who, what, and when, publishing this simultaneously to a public or private feed.

Publishing rapidly is a good approach, not just for ideological reasons of openness but also some very pragmatic concerns. It is easier to publish at the source than to remember to go back and do it later. Things that aren’t done immediately are almost invariably forgotten or lost. Secondly rapid publication has the potential to both efficiently enable re-use and to prevent scooping risks by providing a time stamped citable record. This of course would require people to cite these and for those citations to be valued as a contribution; requiring a move away from considering the paper as the only form of valid research output (see also Michael Nielsen‘s interview with me).

It isn’t enough though, just to publish the objects themselves. We also need to be able to understand the relationship between them. In a semantic web sense this means creating the links between objects, recording the context in which they were created, what were their inputs and outputs. I have alluded a couple of times in the past to the OREChem Experimental Ontology and I think this is potentially a very powerful way of handling these kind of connections in a general way. In many cases, particularly in computational research, recording workflows or generating batch and log files could serve the same purpose, as long as a general vocabulary could be agreed to make this exchangeable.

As these objects get linked together they will form a network, both within and across projects and research groups, providing the kind of information that makes Google work, a network of citations and links that make it possible to directly measure the impact of a single dataset, idea, piece of software, or experimental method through its influence over other work. This has real potential to help solve both the discovery problem and the filtering problem. Bottom line, Google is pretty good at finding relevant text and they’re working hard on other forms of media. Research will have some special edges but can be expected in many ways to fit patterns that mean tools for the consumer web will work, particularly as more social components get pulled into the mix.

On the rare occasions when it is worth pulling together a whole story, for a thesis, or a paper, authors would then aggregate objects together, along with text and good visuals to present the data. The telling of a story then becomes a special event, perhaps one worthy of peer review in its traditional form. The forming of a “paper” is actually no more than providing new links, adding grist to the search and discovery mill, but it can retain its place as a high status object, merely losing its role as the only object worth considering.

So in short, publish fragments, comprehensively and rapidly. Weave those into a wider web of research communication, and from time to time put in the larger effort required to tell a more comprehensive story. This requires tools that are hard to build, standards that are hard to agree, and cultural change that at times seems like spitting into a hurricane. Progress is being made, in many places and in many ways, but how can we take this forward today?

Practical steps for today

I want to write more about these ideas in the future but here I’ll just sketch out a simple scenario that I hope can be usefully implemented locally but provide a generic framework to build out without necessarily requiring a massive agreement on standards.

The first step is simple, make a record, ideally an address on the web for everything we create in the research process. For data and software just the files themselves, on a hard disk is a good start. Pushing them to some sort of web storage, be it a blog, github, an institutional repository, or some dedicated data storage service, is even better because it makes step two easy.

Step two is to create feeds that list all of these objects, their addresses and as much standard metadata as possible, who and when would be a good start. I would make these open by choice, mainly because dealing with feed security is a pain, but this would still work behind a firewall.

Step three gets slightly harder. Where possible configure your systems so that inputs can always be selected from a user-configurable feed. Where possible automate the pushing of outputs to your chosen storage systems so that new objects are automatically registered and new feeds created.

This is extraordinarily simple conceptually. Create feeds, use them as inputs for processes. It’s not so straightforward to build such a thing into an existing tool or framework, but it doesn’t need to be too terribly difficult either. And it doesn’t need to bother the user either. Feeds should be automatically created, and presented to the user as drop down menus.

The step beyond this, creating a standard framework for describing the relationships between all of these objects is much harder. Not because its difficult, but because it requires an agreement on standards for how to describe those relationships. This is do-able and I’m very excited by the work at Southampton on the OREChem Experimental Ontology but the social problems are harder. Others prefer the Open Provenance Model or argue that workflows are the way to manage this information. Getting agreement on standards is hard, particularly if we’re trying to maximise their effective coverage but if we’re going to build a computable record of science we’re going to have to tackle that problem. If we can crack it and get coverage of the records via a compatible set of models that tell us how things are related then I think we will be will placed to solve the cultural problem of actually getting people to use them.

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Capturing and connecting research objects: A pitch for @sciencehackday

Capture and Connect: automated data capture
Image by cameronneylon via Flickr

Jon Eisen asked a question on Friendfeed last week that sparked a really interesting discussion of what an electronic research record should look like. The conversation is worth a look as it illustrates different perspectives and views on what is important. In particular I thought Jon’s statement of what he wanted was very interesting:

I want a system where people record EVERYTHING they are doing in their research with links to all data, analyses, output, etc [CN – my italics]. And I want access to it from anywhere. And I want to be able to search it intelligently. Dropbox won’t cut it.

This is interesting to me because it maps onto my own desires. Simple systems that make it very easy to capture digital research objects as they are created and easy-to-use tools that make it straightforward to connect these objects up. This is in many ways the complement of the Reseach Communication as Aggregation idea that I described previously. By collecting all the pieces and connecting them up correctly we create a Research Record as Aggregation, making it easy to wrap pieces of this up and connect them to communications. It also provides a route towards bridging the divide between research objects that are born digital and those that are physical objects that need to be represented by digital records.

Ok. So so much handwaving – what about building something? What about building something this weekend at ScienceHackDay? My idea is that we can use three pieces that have recently come together to build a demonstrator of how such a system might work. Firstly the DropBox API is now available (and I have a developer key). DropBox is a great tool that delivers on the promise of doing one thing well. It sits on your computer and synchronises directories with the cloud and any other device you put it on. Just works. This makes it a very useful entry point for the capture of digital research objects. So Step One:

Build a web service on the DropBox API that enables users (or instruments) to subscribe and captures new digital objects, creating an exposed feed of resources.

This will enable us to captures and surface research objects with users simply dropping files into directories on local computers. Using DropBox means these can be natively synchronised across multiple user computers which is nice. But then we need to connect these objects up, ideally in an automatic way. To do this we need a robust and general way of describing relationships between them. As part of the OREChem project, a collaboration between Cambridge, Southampton, Indiana, Penn State and Cornell Universities and PubChem, supported by Microsoft, Mark Borkum has developed an ontology that describes experiments (unfortunately there is nothing available on the web as yet – but I am promised there will be soon!). Nothing so new there, been done before. What is new here is that the OREChem vocabulary describes both plans and instances of carrying out those plans. It is very simple, essentially describing each part of a process as a “stage” which takes in inputs and emits outputs. The detailed description of these inputs and outputs is left for other vocabularies. The plan and the record can have a one to one correspondence but don’t need to. It is possible to ask whether a record satisfies a plan and alternately given evidence that a plan has been carried out that all the required inputs must have existed at some point.

Why does this matter? It matters because for a particular experiment we can describe a plan. For instance a UV-Vis spectrophotometer measurement requires a sample, a specific instrument, and emits a digital file, usually in a specific format. If our webservice above knows that a particular DropBox account is associated with a UV-Vis instrument and it sees a new file of the right type it knows that the plan of a UV-Vis measurement must have been carried out. It also knows which instrument was used (based on the DropBox account) and might know who it was who did the measurement (based on the specific folder the file appeared in). The web service is therefore able to infer that there must exist (or have existed) a sample. Knowing this it can attempt to discover a record of this sample from known resources, the public web, or even by emailing the user, asking them for it, and then creating a record for them.

A quick and dirty way of building a data model and linking it to objects on the web is to use Freebase and the Freebase API. This also has the advantage that we can leverage Freebase Gridworks to add records from spreadsheets (e.g. sample lists) into the same data model. So Step Two:

Implement OREChem experiment ontology in Freebase. Describe a small set of plans as examples of particular experimental procedures.

And then Step Three:

Expand the web service built in Step One to annotate digital research objects captured in Freebase and connect them to plans. Attempt to build in automatic discovery of inferred resources from known and unknown resources, and a system to failover to ask the user directly.

Freebase and DropBox may not be the best way to do this but both provide a documented API that could enable something to be lashed up quickly. I’m equally happy to be told that SugarSync, Open Calais, or Talis Connected Commons might be better ways to do this, especially if someone will be at ScienceHackDay with expertise in this. Demonstrating something like this could be extremely valuable as it would actually leverage semantic web technology to do something useful for researchers, linking their data into a wider web, while not actually bothering them with the details of angle brackets

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Why the web of data needs to be social

Image by cameronneylon via Flickr

If you’ve been around either myself or Deepak Singh you will almost certainly have heard the Jeff Jonas/Jon Udell soundbite: ‘Data finds data. Then people find people’. Jonas is referring to data management frameworks and knowledge discovery and Udell is referring to the power of integrated data to bring people together.

At some level Jonas’ vision (see his chapter[pdf] in Beautiful Data) is what the semantic web ought to enable, the automated discovery of data or objects based on common patterns or characteristics. Thus far in practical terms we have signally failed to make this a reality, particularly for research data and objects.

Udell’s angle (or rather, my interpretation of his overall stance) is more linked to the social web – the discovery of common contexts through shared data frameworks. These contexts might be social groups, as in conventional social networks, a particular interest or passion, or – in the case of Jon’s championing of the iCalendar standard –  a date and place as demonstrated by the  the elmcity project supporting calendar curation and aggregation. Shared context enables the making of new connection, the creation of new links. But still mainly links between people.

It’s not the scientists who are social; it’s the data – Neil Saunders

The naïve analysis of the success of consumer social networks and the weaknesses of science communication has lead to efforts that almost precisely invert the Jonas/Udell concept. In the case of most of these “Facebooks for Scientists” the idea is that people find people, and then they connect with data through those people.

My belief is that it is this approach that has led to the almost complete failure of these networks to gain traction. Services that place the object  research at the centre; the reference management and bookmarking services, to some extent Twitter and Friendfeed, appear to gain much more real scientific use because they mediate the interactions that researchers are interested in, those between themselves and research objects. Friendfeed in particular seems to support this discovery pattern. Objects of interest are brought into your stream, which then leads to discovery of the person behind them.  I often use Citeulike in this mode. I find a paper of interest, identify the tags other people have used for it and the papers that share those tags. If these seems promising, I then might look at the library of the person, but I get to that person through the shared context of the research object, the paper, and the tags around that object.

Data, data everywhere, but not a lot of links – Simon Coles

A common complaint made of research data is that people don’t make it available. This is part of the problem but increasingly it is a smaller part. It is easy enough to put data up that many researchers are doing so, in supplementary data of journal articles, on personal websites, or on community or consumer sites. From a linked data perspective we ought to be having a field day with this, even if it represents only a small proportion of the total. However little of this data is easily discoverable and most of it is certainly not linked in any meaningful way.

A fundamental problem that I feel like I’ve been banging on about for years now is that dearth of well built tools for creating these links. Finally these tools are starting to appear with Freebase Gridworks being an early example. There is a good chance that it will become easier over time for people to create links as part of the process of making their own record. But the fundamental problems we always face, that this is hard work, and often unrewarded work, are limiting progress.

Data friends data…then knowledge becomes discoverable

Human interaction is unlikely to work at scale. We are going to need automated systems to wire the web of data together. The human process simply cannot keep up with the ongoing annotation and connection of data at the volumes that are being generated today. And we can’t afford not to if we want to optimize the opportunities of research to deliver useful outcomes.

When we think about social networks we always place people at their centre. But there is nothing to stop us replacing people with data or other research objects. Software that wants to find data, data that wants to find complementary or supportive data, or wants to find the right software to convert or analyze it. Instead of Farmville or Mafia Wars imagine useful tools that make these connections, negotiate content, and identify common context. As pointed out to me by Paul Walk this is very similar to what was envisioned in the 90s as the role of software agents. In this view the human research users are the poorly connected users on the outskirts of the web.

The point is that the hard part of creating linked data is making the links, not publishing the data. The semantic web has always suffered from the chicken and egg problem of a lack of user-friendly ways to generate RDF and few tools that could really use that RDF in exciting ways even if it did exist. I still can’t do a useful search on which restaurants in Bath will be open next Sunday. The reality is that the innards of this should be hidden from the user, the making of connections needs to be automated as far as possible, and as natural as possible when the user has to be involved. As easy as hitting that “like” button, or right clicking and adding a citation.

We have learnt a lot about the principles of when and how social networks work. If we can apply those lessons to the construction of open data management and discovery frameworks then we may stand some chance of actually making some of the original vision of the web work.

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Implementing the “Publication as Aggregation”

Google Wave Lab mockup
Image by cameronneylon via Flickr

I wrote a few weeks back about the idea of re-imagining the formally published scientific paper as an aggregation of objects. The idea behind this is that it provides both continuity, through enabling the display of such papers in more or less the same way as we do currently, enhancing functionality by, for instance, embedding active versions of figures in a native form, and at the same time providing a route towards a linked data web for research.

Fundamentally the idea is that we publish fragments, and then aggregate these fragments together. The mechanism of aggregation is supposed to be an expanded version of the familiar paradigm of citation: the introduction of a paper will link to and cite other papers as usual, and these would be incorporated as links and citations within the presentation of the paper. But in addition the paper will cite the introduction. By default the introduction would be included in the view of the paper presented to the user, but equally the user might choose to only look at figures, only conclusions, or only the citations. Figures would be citations to data, again available on the web, again with a default visualization that might be an embedded active graph or a static image.

I asserted that the tools for achieving this are more or less in place. Actually that is only half true. The tools for storing, displaying, and even to some extent archiving communications in this form do exist, at least in the form of examples.

An emerging standard for aggregated objects on the web is the Open Archives Initiative – Object Re-use and Exchange (OAI-ORE). The OAI-ORE object is a generic description of the address of a series of things on the web and how they relate to each other. It is the natural approach for representing the idea of a paper as an aggregation of pieces. The OAI-ORE object itself is RDF with no concept of how it should be displayed or used. It is just a set of things, each labeled with their role in the overall object. In principle at least makes it straightforward to display it in any number of ways. A simple example would be converting OAI-ORE to the NLM-DTD XML format. The devil as always, is in the detail here but this makes a good first pass technical requirement for the details of how the pieces of the OAI-ORE object are described; it must be straightforward to convert to NLM-DTD.

Once we have both the collection of pieces, their relationship to each other, and the idea that we can choose to display some or all of these pieces in any way we choose then a lot of the rest falls into place. Figures can be data objects, which have a default visualization method. These visualizations can be embedded in the way which is now familiar with audio and video files. But equally references to gene names, structures, and chemical entities could be treated the same way. Want the chemical name? Just click a button, the visualization tool will deliver that. Want the structure? Again, just click the button, toggle the menu, or write the script to ask for it in that form if you are doing that kind of thing. We would need more open standards for embedding objects; probably less Flash, and more open standards but that’s a fairly minor issue.

There needs to be some communication between the citing object (the paper) and the cited object (the data, figure, text, external reference). This could be built up from the TrackBack or Pingback protocols. There also needs to be default content negotiation: “I want this data, what can you give me? Graph? Table?…ok I’ll take the graph…” That’s just a RESTful API, something which is more or less standard for the consumer web data services but which is badly missing on the research web. None of this is actually terribly difficult and there are good tools out there to do it.

But I said that we only had half solved. The other side of the problem is good authoring and publishing tools. All of the above assumes that these OAI-ORE objects exist or can be easily built, and that the pieces we want to aggregate are already on the web, ready to be pointed at and embedded. They are not. We have two fundamental problems. First we have to get these things onto the web in a useful and re-useable form. Some of this can be done with existing data services such as ChemSpider, Genbank, PubChem, GEO, etc. but that is the easy end of the problem. The hard bit is the heterogenous mass of pieces of data, Excel spreadsheets, CSV files, XML and binaries, that make up the majority of the research outputs we generate.

Publication could be made easy, using automatic upload tools and lightweight data services that provide a place for them on the web. The criticism is often made that “just publishing” is not enough because there is no context. What is often missed is that the best way to provide context is for the person who generated the research object to link it in to a larger record. The catch is, for that to be useful they have to publish it to the web first, otherwise the record they create points at a local and inaccessible object. So we need tools that simply push the raw material up onto the web, probably in the short to medium term to secure servers, but ones where the individual objects can be made public at some point.

So the other tools we need are for authoring these documents. These will look and behave like a Word Processor (or like a LaTeX document for those who prefer that route) but with a clever reference manager and citation creator. Today our reference libraries only contain papers. But imagine that your library contained all of the data you’ve generated as well and that the easiest way to write up your lab notebook was to simply right click and include the reference, select the visualization that you want and you’re done. All the details of default visualizations, of where the data really is, of adding the record to the OAI-ORE root node, all of this is done for you behind the scenes. You might need to select lumps of text to say what their role is, probably using some analogue of styles, similar to the way that the Integrated Content Environment (ICE) system does.

This environment could be built for Word, for Open Office, for LaTeX. One of the reasons I remain excited about Google Wave is that it should be relatively easy to prototype such an environment, the hooks are already there in a way that they aren’t in traditional document authoring tools because Wave is much more web native. It will however take quite a lot of work. There is also a chicken and egg problem in that such an environment isn’t a whole lot of use without the published objects to aggregate together, and the publication services to provide rich views of the final aggregated documents.  It will be quite a lot of work to build all of these pieces, and it will take some time before the benefits become clear. But I think it is a direction that is worth pursuing because it takes the best of what we already know works on the web and applies it to an evolutionary adaption of the communication style that is already familiar. The revolution comes once the pieces are there for people to work with in new ways.

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Draft White Paper – Researcher identifiers

National Science Foundation (NSF) Logo, reprod...
Image via Wikipedia

On April 26 I am attending a joint meeting of the NSF and EuroHORCS (European Heads of Research Councils) on “Changing the Conduct of Science in the Information Age”. I have been asked to submit a one page white paper in advance of the meeting and have been struggling a bit with this. This is stage one, a draft document relating to researcher identifiers. I’m not happy with it but reckon that other people out there may well be able to help where I am struggling. I may write a second one on metrics or at least a brief literature collection. Any and all comments welcome.


Citation lies at the core of research practice, recognizing both the contributions that others have made in the development of a specific piece of work and in linking related knowledge together. The technology of the web make it technically feasible to radically improve the precision, accuracy, and completeness of these links. Such improvements are crucial to the successful implementation of any system that purports to measure research outputs or quality.

Additionally the web offers the promise of extended and distributed projects involving diverse parties, many of which may not be professional researchers. Nonetheless such contributions deserve the same level of recognition as comparable contributions from professional researchers. Providing an open system in which people can contribute to research efforts and receive credit raises significant social issues of control and validation of identities.

Such open systems and federated systems are exposed to potential failure through lack of technical expertise on the part of users, particularly where a person loses or creates a new identity. This in many ways is already the case where we use institutional email addresses as proxies for researcher identity. Is D.C.Neylon@####.ac.uk (a no longer functioning email address), the same person as Cameron.Neylon@####.ac.uk? It is technically feasible to consider systems in which the actual identity token used is widely available and compatible with the wider consumer web but centralised and trusted authorities provide validation services to confirm specific claims around identity. Such a broker or clearing house would provide a similar role for identities as CrossRef provides for scholarly articles via the DOI.

General points

  • By adding the concept of a semantic-web ready researcher identifier, i.e. an identifier that provides a URL endpoint that uniquely represents a specific researcher, the existing technical capacity of the semantic web stack can be used to provide a linked data representation of contributions to existing published research objects that are accessible at URL endpoints. Such a representation could be readily expanded beyond authorship to funder contributions.
  • Crediting a researcher as a contributor to a specific object published on the web is a specific form of citation or linking in this view
  • The authoring tools to support the linking and publishing of research objects in this form do not currently exist in a widely useable form.
  • Semantic web technology provides an extensible means to adding and recognising diverse forms of contribution.

Authorisation, validation, and control

  • Access to such identifiers must be under the control of the researcher and not limited to those with institutional affiliations. Any person must be able to obtain and control a unique researcher identifier that refers to them.
  • Authorisation and validation of claimed rights of access or connections to specific institutions can be technically handled separately from the provision of identifiers.

Technical and legal issues

  • OpenID and OAuth provide a developing internet standard that provides technical means to achieve a distributed availability of identifiers and to separate issues of authentication from those of identification. They are a current leader for federated identity and authorisation solutions on the consumer web.
  • OpenID and OAuth do not currently provide the levels of security required in several jurisdictions for personal or sensitive information (e.g. UK data protection act).  Such federated systems may fall foul of jurisdictions with strong generic privacy requirements, e.g. Canada
  • To interoperate with the wider web and enable a wider notion of citation as a declaration of a piece of knowledge “Person X authored Paper Y”, identities must resolve on the web, in the sense of being a clickable hyperlink that takes a human or machine reader to a page containing information representing that person.

Social issues

  • There are profound social issues of trust in the maintenance of such identifiers, especially for non-professional researchers in the longer term.
  • A centralised trusted authority (or authorities) that validates specific claims about identity (a “CrossRef for people”) might provide a trusted broker for identity transactions in the research space that solves many of these trust problems.
  • Issues around trust and jurisdiction as well as scope and control are likely to limit and fragment any effort to coordinate, federate, or integrate differing identity solutions in the research space. Therefore interoperability of any developed system with the wider web must be a prime consideration.


Identity, unique identifiers, authorisation of access and validation of claims are issues that need to be solved before any transparent and believable metric systems can be reliably implemented. In the current world ill-considered, non-transparent, and irreproducible metric systems will almost inevitably lead to legal claims. At the same time there is a massive opportunity for wider involvement in research for which a much more diverse range of people’s contributions will need recognition.

A system in which recognition and citation takes the form of a link to a specified address on the web that represents a person has the potential to simultaneously make it much easier to unambiguously confirm who is being credited but additionally provides the opportunity to leverage an existing stack of tools and services to aggregate and organize information relating to identity. This is in fact a specific example of a wider view of addressable research objects on the web that can be part of a web of linked data. In this view a person is simply another object that can have specified relationships (links) to other objects.

Partial technical solutions in the form of OAuth, and OpenID exist that solve some subset of these problems. However these systems are currently not technically secure to a level compatible with handling the transfer of sensitive data. However they can interoperate with more secure transfer systems. They provide a federated and open system that enables any person to obtain and assert an identity and to control the appearance of that identity. Severe social issues around trust and persistence exist for this kind of system. This may be addressed through trusted centralized repositories that can act as a reliable broker.

Given expected issues with uptake of any system, systems that are interoperable with competitive or complementary offerings are crucial.

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The future of research communication is aggregation

Paper as aggregation
Image by cameronneylon via Flickr

“In the future everyone will be a journal editor for 15 minutes” – apologies to Andy Warhol

Suddenly it seems everyone wants to re-imagine scientific communication. From the ACS symposium a few weeks back to a PLoS Forum, via interesting conversations with a range of publishers, funders and scientists, it seems a lot of people are thinking much more seriously about how to make scientific communication more effective, more appropriate to the 21st century and above all, to take more advantage of the power of the web.

For me, the “paper” of the future has to encompass much more than just the narrative descriptions of processed results we have today. It needs to support a much more diverse range of publication types, data, software, processes, protocols, and ideas, as well provide a rich and interactive means of diving into the detail where the user in interested and skimming over the surface where they are not. It needs to provide re-visualisation and streaming under the users control and crucially it needs to provide the ability to repackage the content for new purposes; education, public engagement, even main stream media reporting.

I’ve got a lot of mileage recently out of thinking about how to organise data and records by ignoring the actual formats and thinking more about what the objects I’m dealing with are, what they represent, and what I want to do with them. So what do we get if we apply this thinking to the scholarly published article?

For me, a paper is an aggregation of objects. It contains, text, divided up into sections, often with references to other pieces of work. Some of these references are internal, to figures and tables, which are representations of data in some form or another. The paper world of journals has led us to think about these as images but a much better mental model for figures on the web is of an embedded object, perhaps a visualisation from a service like Many Eyes, Swivel, and Tableau Public. Why is this better? It is better because it maps more effectively onto what we want to do with the figure. We want to use it to absorb the data it represents, and to do this we might want to zoom, pan, re-colour, or re-draw the data. But we want to know if we do this that we are using the same underlying data, so the data needs a home, an address somewhere on the web, perhaps with the journal, or perhaps somewhere else entirely, that we can refer to with confidence.

If that data has an individual identity it can in turn refer back to the process used to generate it, perhaps in an online notebook or record, perhaps pointing to a workflow or software process based on another website. Maybe when I read the paper I want that included, maybe when you read it you don’t – it is a personal choice, but one that should be easy to make. Indeed, it is a choice that would be easy to make with today’s flexible web frameworks if the underlying pieces were available and represented in the right way.

The authors of the paper can also be included as a reference to a unique identifier. Perhaps the authors of the different segments are different. This is no problem, each piece can refer to the people that generated it. Funders and other supporting players might be included by reference. Again this solves a real problem of today, different players are interested in how people contributed to a piece of work, not just who wrote the paper. Providing a reference to a person where the link show what their contribution was can provide this much more detailed information. Finally the overall aggregation of pieces that is brought together and finally published also has a unique identifier, often in the form of the familiar DOI.

This view of the paper is interesting to me for two reasons. The first is that it natively supports a wide range of publication or communication types, including data papers, process papers, protocols, ideas and proposals. If we think of publication as the act of bringing a set of things together and providing them with a coherent identity then that publication can be many things with many possible uses. In a sense this is doing what a traditional paper should do, bringing all the relevant information into a single set of pages that can be found together, as opposed to what they usually do, tick a set of boxes about what a paper is supposed to look like. “Is this publishable?” is an almost meaningless question on the web. Of course it is. “Is it a paper?” is the question we are actually asking. By applying the principles of what the paper should be doing as opposed to the straightjacket of a paginated, print-based document, we get much more flexibility.

The second aspect which I find exciting revolves around the idea of citation as both internal and external references about the relationships between these individual objects. If the whole aggregation has an address on the web via a doi or a URL, and if its relationship both to the objects that make it up and to other available things on the web are made clear in a machine readable citation then we have the beginnings of a machine readable scientific web of knowledge. If we take this view of objects and aggregates that cite each other, and we provide details of what the citations mean (this was used in that, this process created that output, this paper is cited as an input to that one) then we are building the semantic web as a byproduct of what we want to do anyway. Instead of scaring people with angle brackets we are using a paradigm that researchers understand and respect, citation, to build up meaningful links between packages of knowledge. We need the authoring tools that help us build and aggregate these objects together and tools that make forming these citations easy and natural by using the existing ideas around linking and referencing but if we can build those we get the semantic web for science as a free side product – while also making it easier for humans to find the details they’re looking for.

Finally this view blows apart the monolithic role of the publisher and creates an implicit marketplace where anybody can offer aggregations that they have created to potential customers. This might range from a high school student putting their science library project on the web through to a large scale commercial publisher that provides a strong brand identity, quality filtering, and added value through their infrastructure or services. And everything in between. It would mean that large scale publishers would have to compete directly with the small scale on a value-for-money basis and that new types of communication could be rapidly prototyped and deployed.

There are a whole series of technical questions wrapped up in this view, in particular if we are aggregating things that are on the web, how did they get there in the first place, and what authoring tools will we need to pull them together. I’ll try to start on that in a follow-up post.

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Reflections on Science 2.0 from a distance – Part II

This is the second of two posts discussing the talk I gave at the Science 2.0 Symposium organized by Greg Wilson in Toronto in July. As I described in the last post Jon Udell pulled out the two key points from my talk and tweeted them. The first suggested some ideas about what the limiting unit of science, or rather science communication, might be. The second takes me in to rather more controversial areas:

@cameronneylon uses tags to classify records in a bio lab wiki. When emergent ontology doesn’t match the standard, it’s useful info. #osci20

It may surprise many to know that I am a great believer in ontologies and controlled vocabularies. This is because I am a great believer in effectively communicating science and without agreed language effective communication isn’t possible. Where I differ with many is that assumption that because an ontology exists it provides the best means of recording my research. This is borne out of my experiences trying to figure out how to apply existing data models and structured vocabularies to my own research work. Very often the fit isn’t very good, and more seriously, it is rarely clear why or how to go about adapting or choosing the right ontology or vocabulary.

What I was talking about in Toronto was the use of key-value pairs within the Chemtools LaBLog system and the way we use them in templates. To re-cap briefly the templates were initially developed so that users can avoid having to manually mark up posts, particularly ones with tables, for common procedures. The fact that we were using a one item-one post system meant that we knew that important inputs into that table would have their own post and that the entry in the table could link to that post. This in turn meant that we could provide the user of a template with a drop down menu populated with post titles. We filter those on the basis of tags, in the form of key-value pairs, so as to provide the right set of possible items to the user. This creates a remarkably flexible, user-driven, system that has a strong positive reinforcement cycle. To make the templates work well, and to make your life easier you need to have the metadata properly recorded for research objects, but in turn you can create templates for your objects that make sure that the metadata is recorded correctly.

The effectiveness of the templates clearly depends very strongly on the organization of the metadata. The more the pattern of organization maps on to the realities of how substances and data files are used in the local research process, and the more the templates reflect the details of that process the more effective they are. We went though a number of cycles of template and metadata re-organization. We would re-organize, thinking we had things settled and then we would come across another instance of a template breaking, or not working effectively. The motivation to re-organize was to make the templates work well, and save effort. The system aided us in this by allowing us to make organizational changes without breaking any of the previous schemes.

Through repeated cycles of modification and adaption we identified an organizational scheme that worked effectively. Essentially this is a scheme that categorizes objects based on what they can be used for. A sample may be in the material form of a solution, but it may also be some form of DNA.  Some procedures can usefully be applied to any solution, some are only usefully applied to DNA. If it is a form of DNA then we can ask whether it is a specific form, such as an oligonucleotide, that can be used in specific types of procedure, such as a PCR. So we ended up with a classification of DNA types based on what they might be used for (any DNA can be a PCR templates, only a relatively short single stranded DNA can be used as a – conventional – PCR primer). However in my work I also had to allow for the fact that something that was DNA might also be protein; I have done work on protein-DNA conjugates and I might want to run these on both a protein gel and a DNA gel.

We had, in fact, built our own, small scale laboratory ontology that maps onto what we actually do in our laboratory. There was little or no design that went into this, only thinking of how to make our templates work. What was interesting was the process of then mapping our terms and metadata onto designed vocabularies. The example I used in the talk was the Sequence Ontology terms relating to categories of DNA. We could map the SO term plasmid on to our key value pair DNA:plasmid, meaning a double stranded circular DNA capable in principle of transforming bacteria. SO:ss_oligo maps onto DNA:oligonucleotide (kind of, I’ve just noticed that synthetic oligo is another term in SO).

But we ran into problems with our type DNA:double_stranded_linear. In SO there is more than one term, including restriction fragments and PCR products. This distinction was not useful to us. In fact it would create a problem. For our purposes restriction fragments and PCR products were equivalent in terms of what we could do with them. The distinction the SO makes is in where they come from, not what they can do. Our schema is driven by what we can do with them. Where they came from and how they were generated is also implicit in our schema but it is separated from what an object can be used for.

There is another distinction here. The drop down menus in our templates do not have an “or” logic in the current implementation. This drives us to classify the possible use of objects in as general a way as possible. We might wish to distinguish between “flat ended” linear double stranded DNA (most PCR products) and “sticky ended” or overhanging linear ds DNA (many restriction fragments) but we are currently obliged to have at least one key value pair places these together as many standard procedures can be applied to both. In ontology construction there is a desire to describe as much detail as possible. Our framework drives us towards being as general as possible. Both approaches have their uses and neither is correct. They are built for different purposes.

The bottom line is that for a structured vocabulary to be useful and used it has to map well onto two things. The processes that the user is operating and the inputs and outputs of those processes. That is it must match the mental model of the user. Secondly it must map well onto the tools that the user has to work with. Most existing biological ontologies do not map well onto our LaBLog system, although we can usually map to them relatively easy for specific purposes in a post-hoc fashion. However I think our system is mapped quite well by some upper ontologies.

I’m currently very intrigued by an idea that I heard from Allyson Lister, which matches well onto some other work I’ve recently heard about that involves “just in time” and “per-use” data integration. It also maps onto the argument I made in my recent paper that we need to separate the issues of capturing research from those involved in describing and communicating research. The idea was that for any given document or piece of work, rather than trying to fit it into a detailed existing ontology you build a single-use local ontology based on what is happening in this specific case based on a more general ontology, perhaps OBO, perhaps something even more general. Then this local description can be mapped onto more widely used and more detailed ontologies for specific purposes.

At the end of the day the key is effective communication. We don’t all speak the same language and we’re not going to. But if we had the tools to help us capture our research in an appropriate local dialect in a way that makes it easy for us, and others, to translate into whatever lingua franca is best for a given purpose, then we will make progress.

Reflections on Science 2.0 from a distance – Part I

Some months ago now I gave a talk at very exciting symposium organized by Greg Wilson as a closer for the Software Carpentry course he was running at Toronto University. It was exciting because of the lineup but also because it represented a real coming together of views on how developments in computer science and infrastructure as well as new social capabilities brought about by computer networks are changing scientific research.I talked, as I have several times recently, about the idea of a web-native laboratory record, thinking about what the paper notebook would look like if it were re-invented with today’s technology. Jon Udell gave a two tweet summary of my talk which I think captured the two key aspects of my view point perfectly. In this post I want to explore the first of these.

@cameronneylon: “The minimal publishable unit of science — the paper — is too big, too monolithic. The useful unit: a blog post.”#osci20

The key to the semantic web, linked open data, and indeed the web and the internet in general, is the ability to be able to address objects. URLs in and of themselves provide an amazing resource making it possible to identify and relate digital objects and resources. The “web of things” expands this idea to include addresses that identify physical objects. In science we aim to connect physical objects in the real world (samples, instruments) to data (digital objects) via concepts and models. All of these can be made addressable at any level of granularity we choose. But the level of detail is important. From a practical perspective too much detail means that the researcher won’t, or even can’t, record it properly. Too little detail and the objects aren’t flexible enough to allow re-wiring when we discover we’ve got something wrong.

A single sample deserves an identity. A single data file requires an identity, although it may be wrapped up within a larger object. The challenge comes when we look at process, descriptions of methodology and claims. A traditionally published paper is too big an object, something that is shown clearly by the failure of citations to papers to be clear. A paper will generally contain multiple claims, and multiple processes. A citation could  refer to any of these. At the other end I have argued that a tweet, 140 characters, is too small, because while you can make a statement it is difficult to provide context in the space available. To be a unit of science a tweet really needs to contain a statement and two references or citations, providing the relationship between two objects. It can be done but its just a bit too tight in my view.

So I proposed that the natural unit of science research is the blog post. There are many reasons for this. Firstly the length is elastic, accommodating something (nearly) as short as a tweet, to thousands of lines of data, code, or script. But equally there is a broad convention of approximate length, ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand words, about the length in fact of of a single lab notebook page, and about the length of a simple procedure. The second key aspect of a blog post is that it natively comes with a unique URL. The blog post is a first class object on the web, something that can be pointed at, scraped, and indexed. And crucially the blog post comes with a feed, and a feed that can contain rich and flexible metadata, again in agreed and accessible formats.

If we are to embrace the power of the web to transform the laboratory and scientific record then we need to think carefully about what the atomic components of that record are. Get this wrong and we make a record which is inaccessible, and which doesn’t take advantage of the advanced tooling that the consumer web now provides. Get it right and the ability to Google for scientific facts will come for free. And that would just be the beginning.

If you would like to read more about these ideas I have a paper just out in the BMC Journal Automated Experimentation.

Google Wave in Research – Part II – The Lab Record

In the previous post  I discussed a workflow using Wave to author and publish a paper. In this post I want to look at the possibility of using it as a laboratory record, or more specifically as a human interface to the laboratory record. There has been much work in recent years on research portals and Virtual Research Environments. While this work will remain useful in defining use patterns and interface design my feeling is that Wave will become the environment of choice, a framework for a virtual research environment that rewrites the rules, not so much of what is possible, but of what is easy.

Again I will work through a use case but I want to skip over a lot of what is by now I think becoming fairly obvious. Wave provides an excellent collaborative authoring environment. We can explicitly state and register licenses using a robot. The authoring environment has all the functionality of a wiki already built in so we can assume that and granular access control means that different elements of a record can be made accessible to different groups of people. We can easily generate feeds from a single wave and aggregate content in from other feeds. The modular nature of the Wave, made up of Wavelets, themselves made up of Blips, may well make it easier to generate comprehensible RSS feeds from a wiki-like environment. Something which has up until now proven challenging. I will also assume that, as seems likely, both spreadsheet and graphing capabilities are soon available as embedded objects within a Wave.

Let us imagine an experiment of the type that I do reasonably regularly, where we use a large facility instrument to study the structure of a protein in solution. We set up the experiment by including the instrument as a participant in the wave. This participant is a Robot which fronts a web service that can speak to the data repository for the instrument. It drops into the Wave a formatted table which provides options and spaces for inputs based on a previously defined structured description of the experiment. In this case it calls for a role for this particular run(is it a background or an experimental sample?) and asks where the description of the sample is.

The purification of the protein has already been described in another wave. As part of this process a wavelet was created that represents the specific sample we are going to use. This sample can be directly referenced via a URL that points at the wavelet itself making the sample a full member of the semantic web of objects. While the free text of the purification was being typed in another Robot, this one representing a web service interface to appropriate ontologies, automatically suggested using specific terms adding links back to the ontology where suggestions were accepted, and creating the wavelets that describe specific samples.

The wavelet that defines the sample is dragged and dropped into the table for the experiment. This copying process is captured by the internal versioning system and creates in effect an embedded link back to the purification wave, linking the sample to the process that it is being used in. It is rather too much at this stage to expect the instrument control to be driven from the Wave itself but the Robot will sit and wait for the appropriate dataset to be generated and check with the user it has got the right one.

Once everyone is happy the Robot will populate the table with additional metadata captured as part of the instrumental process, create a new wavelet (creating a new addressable object) and drop in the data in the default format. The robot naturally also writes a description of the relationships between all the objects in an appropriate machine readable form (RDFa, XML, or all of the above) in a part of the Wave that the user doesn’t necessarily need to see. It may also populate any other databases or repositories as appropriate. Because the Robot knows who the user is it can also automatically link the experimental record back to the proposal for the experiment. Valuable information for the facility but not of sufficient interest to the user for them to be bothered keeping a good record of it.

The raw data is not yet in a useful form though, we need to process it, remove backgrounds, that kind of thing. To do this we add the Reduction Robot as a participant. This Robot looks within the wave for a wavelet containing raw data, asks the user for any necessary information (where is the background data to be subtracted) and then runs a web service that does the subtraction. It then writes out two new wavelets, one describing what it has done (with all appropriate links to the appropriate controlled vocab obviously), and a second with the processed data in it.

I need to do some more analysis on this data, perhaps fit a model to start with, so again I add another Robot that looks for a wavelet with the correct data type, does the line fit, once again writes out a wavelet that describes what it has done, and a wavelet with the result in it. I might do this several times, using a range of different analysis approaches, perhaps doing some structural modelling and deriving some parameter from the structure which I can compare to my analytical model fit. Creating a wavelet with a spreadsheet embedded I drag and drop the parameter from the model fit and from the structure and format the cells so that it shows green if they are within 5% of each other.

Ok, so far so cool. Lots of drag and drop and using of groovy web services but nothing that couldn’t be done with a bit of work with a Workflow engine like Taverna and a properly set up spreadsheet. I now make a copy of the wave (properly versioned, its history is clear as a branch off the original Wave) and I delete the sample from the top of the table. The Robots re-process and realize there is not sufficient data to do any processing so all the data wavelets and any graphs and visualizations, including my colour-coded spreadsheet  go blank. What have I done here? What I have just created is a versioned, provenanced, and shareable workflow. I can pass the Wave to a new student or collaborator simply by adding them as a participant. I can then work with them, watching as they add data, point out any mistakes they might make and discuss the results with them, even if they are on the opposite side of the globe. Most importantly I can be reasonably confident that it will work for them, they have no need to download software or configure anything. All that really remains to make this truly powerful is to wrap this workflow into a new Robot so that we can pass multiple datasets to it for processing.

When we’ve finished the experiment we can aggregate the data by dragging and dropping the final results into a new wave to create a summary we can share with a different group of people. We can tweak the figure that shows the data until we are happy and then drop it into the paper I talked about in the previous post. I’ve spent a lot of time over the past 18 months thinking and talking about how we capture what is going and at the same time create granular web-native objects  and then link them together to describe relationships between them. Wave does all of that natively and it can do it just by capturing what the user does. The real power will lie in the web services behind the robots but the beauty of these is that the robots will make using those existing web services much easier for the average user. The robots will observe and annotate what the user is doing, helping them to format and link up their data and samples.

Wave brings three key things; proper collaborative documents which will encourage referring rather than cutting and pasting; proper version control for documents; and document automation through easy access to webservices. Commenting, version control and provenance, and making a cut and paste operation actually a fully functional and intelligent embed are key to building a framework for a web-native lab notebook. Wave delivers on these. The real power comes with the functionality added by Robots and Gadgets that can be relatively easily configured to do analysis. The ideas above are just what I have though of in the last week or so. Imagination really is the limit I suspect.

OMG! This changes EVERYTHING! – or – Yet Another Wave of Adulation

Yes, I’m afraid it’s yet another over the top response to yesterday’s big announcement of Google Wave, the latest paradigm shifting gob-smackingly brilliant piece of technology (or PR depending on your viewpoint) out of Google. My interest, however is pretty specific, how can we leverage it to help us capture, communicate, and publish research? And my opinion is that this is absolutely game changing – it makes a whole series of problems simply go away, and potentially provides a route to solving many of the problems that I was struggling to see how to manage.

Firstly, lets look at the grab bag of generic issues that I’ve been thinking about. Most recently I wrote about how I thought “real time” wasn’t the big deal but giving the user control back over the timeframe in which streams came into them. I had some vague ideas about how this might look but Wave has working code. When the people who you are in conversation with are online and looking at the same wave they will see modifications in real time. If they are not in the same document they will see the comments or changes later, but can also “re-play” changes. But a lot of thought has clearly gone into thinking about the default views based on when and how a person first comes into contact with a document.

Another issue that has frustrated me is the divide between wikis and blogs. Wikis have generally better editing functionality, but blogs have workable RSS feeds, Wikis have more plugins, blogs map better onto the diary style of a lab notebook. None of these were ever fundamental philosophical differences but just historical differences of implementations and developer priorities. Wave makes most of these differences irrelevant by creating a collaborative document framework that easily incorporates much of the best of all of these tools within a high quality rich text and media authoring platform. Bringing in content looks relatively easy and pushing content out in different forms also seems to be pretty straightforward. Streams, feeds, and other outputs, if not native, look to be easily generated either directly or by passing material to other services. The Waves themselves are XML which should enable straightforward parsing and tweaking with existing tools as well.

One thing I haven’t written much about but have been thinking about is the process of converting lab records into reports and onto papers. While there wasn’t much on display about complex documents a lot of just nice functionality, drag and drop links, options for incorporating and embedding content was at least touched on. Looking a little closer into the documentation there seems to be quite a strong provenance model, built on a code repository style framework for handling document versioning and forking. All good steps in the right direction and with the open APIs and multitouch as standard on the horizon there will no doubt be excellent visual organization and authoring tools along very soon now. For those worried about security and control, a 30 second mention in the keynote basically made it clear that they have it sorted. Private messages (documents? mecuments?) need never leave your local server.

Finally the big issue for me has for some time been bridging the gap between unstructured capture of streams of events and making it easy to convert those to structured descriptions of the intepretation of experiments.  The audience was clearly wowed by the demonstration of inline real time contextual spell checking and translation. My first thought was – I want to see that real-time engine attached to an ontology browser or DbPedia and automatically generating links back to the URIs for concepts and objects. What really struck me most was the use of Waves with a few additional tools to provide authoring tools that help us to build the semantic web, the web of data, and the web of things.

For me, the central challenges for a laboratory recording system are capturing objects, whether digital or physical, as they are created, and then serve those back to the user, as they need them to describe the connections between them. As we connect up these objects we will create the semantic web. As we build structured knowledge against those records we will build a machine-parseable record of what happened that will help us to plan for the future. As I understand it each wave, and indeed each part of a wave, can be a URL endpoint; an object on the semantic web. If they aren’t already it will be easy to make them that. As much as anything it is the web native collaborative authoring tool that will make embedding and pass by reference the default approach rather than cut and past that will make the difference. Google don’t necessarily do semantic web but they do links and they do embedding, and they’ve provided a framework that should make it easy to add meaning to the links. Google just blew the door off the ELN market, and they probably didn’t even notice.

Those of us interested in web-based and electronic recording and communication of science have spent a lot of the last few years trying to describe how we need to glue the existing tools together, mailing lists, wikis, blogs, documents, databases, papers. The framework was never right so a lot of attention was focused on moving things backwards and forwards, how to connect one thing to another. That problem, as far as I can see has now ceased to exist. The challenge now is in building the right plugins and making sure the architecture is compatible with existing tools. But fundamentally the framework seems to be there. It seems like it’s time to build.

A more sober reflection will probably follow in a few days ;-)