If you’ve been following the discussion here and over at the One Big Lab Blog you will know that tomorrow is the deadline for submission of proposals for sessions at PSB. Shirley Wu has done a great job of putting together the proposal text and the more support we can get from members of the community the better. Whether you can send us an email saying you would like to be there, will commit to being there, or (most preferred) can commit to submitting a presentation it will all help. Don’t get too hung up on the idea that talks have to be ‘research’. This can include the description of tool development (including services), quantitative studies of the impact of open practices, or just a description or review of a particular experience or process.
The proposal text is visible at: http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dv4t5rx_33fpxx9pw5 and if you want editing access just holler or leave some comments here or at One Big Lab.