5 Replies to “PolEcon of OA Publishing II: What’s the technical problem with reforming scholarly publishing?”

  1. You say that OJS’s “biggest problem is that it has never really embraced the idea of being a community project”. While the software itself can’t embrace anything, I think the PKP has very much wanted this to become a community project and in fact has so wants it to be a community project that he has deliberately avoided offering a for-fee hosted version. I think the reason people haven’t contributed back code is the pre-3.0 codebase turned out to be poorly architected and therefore difficult to modify. I hope that version 3.0 (currently in beta) brings not only an improved interface but also an improved architecture for modification by the community.

  2. Good point. That’s badly worded and I’ll make a correction. PKP is actually a very successful community project and a very successful community. The OJS software is also very successful in terms of reach. What hasn’t worked well is OJS as a community open source project, with contributions and community governance.

    The 3.0/2.0 split is a good example. This is a classic anti-pattern. The 2.0/3.0 divide happens because architectural change is necessary but because of the way the code modifications have flowed there are thousands of non-compatible 2.0 forks out there in the wild that will be difficult or impossible to reconcile and update.

    What is needed IMO is some space for the OJS community to breathe and be able to change some pieces one at a time. I’m excited by the work that Ubiquity and CKF are doing in this sense because they could create an Open Source ecosystem with modular components that give some space for adoption of new pieces while the architectural shifts needed to update OJS can be pursued.

  3. I’m interested to know what you think of Frontiers in this context. Along with PeerJ I would regard Frontiers as the poster child for “large scale implementation of new systems”, and judging by this blog post http://blog.frontiersin.org/2015/10/13/frontiers-financial-commitment-to-open-access-publishing/ a significant chunk of their APCs goes into the challenges of scaling beyond 1000 papers/year (Frontiers published >10000 articles in 2014, I think).

  4. Suppose we try to push widely the idea that OJS should become “true” open source software. How many developers would be needed for it to work? Are there other barriers?

  5. It’s really not a question of number of developers but commitment to community management, and resourcing of community managers. There are more than enough people doing work on OJS worldwide, and more than enough organisations with some actual resource to contribute dev resource either in kind or as money. The challenge is building the community structures that make it work and resourcing those. That’s where many OS projects go wrong in my view – failing to see that its about much more than dev resource.

    If you look at something like the Apache foundation then I think there is very little actual dev resource at the centre but lots of infrastructures to support communities (and lots of argument as to whether they are the right shape/form). The dev resource flows from the community to the centre precisely because those infrastructures mean a lot of value is added to any contribution.

    Add to that, as Kevin says the technical problem. OJS 2 is not well set up for contributions, but as a result of its structure almost every instance of OJS in the wild is a fork that’s not compatible with 3.0. How to shift is very hard. This is why I think the collaboration with Collaborative Knowledge Foundation is so exciting. It provides some technical space to help bring those forks back to a central plan.

    Cameron NeylonProfessor of Research Communications

    Centre for Culture & Technology, Curtin University cn@cameronneylon.nethttp://cameronneylon.net

    @cameronneylon - http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0068-716X

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