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Growing a community – Open Notebook Science directories

14 October 2007 One Comment

As has been flagged up by Jean-Claude Bradley there are a couple of places now where people can sign up to say that they have Open Notebook Science in their laboratory, practise Open Notebook Science,or even would like to find a place where they can keep an Open Notebook.  Jean-Claude has put a list on the Nodalpoint Wiki and I have set up a database at DabbleDB. Dabbledb is a rather cool web based database system that provides free access as long as you make the database contents freely available. Because the data is completely open I am not asking for people’s email addresses.

If you want to be included in the database you can put your details in on the form here. This will allow anyone to re-use the data (which you can find here) to generate lists on appropriate web-pages, or maps or any number of other nice re-uses of the data. If you are interested in the working of the database give me a yell and I can give you admin access.

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