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[2 Dec 2008 | Comments Off on Quick update from International Digital Curation Conference | ]

Just a quick note from the IDCC given I was introduced as “one of those people who are probably blogging the conference”. I spoke this morning giving a talk on Radical Sharing – Transforming Science? A version of the slides is available at slideshare. It seemed to go reasonably well and I got some positive comments. The highlight for me today was John Wilbanks speaking this evening – John always gives a great talk (slides will also be on his slideshare at some point) and I invariably learn something. Today …

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[23 Nov 2008 | Comments Off on Links as the source code of our thinking – Tim O’Reilly | ]

I just wanted to point to a post that Tim O’Reilly wrote just before the US election a few weeks back. There was an interesting discussion about the rights and wrongs of him posting on his political views and the rights and wrongs of that being linked to from the O’Reilly Media front page. In amongst the abuse that you have come to expect in public political discussions there is some thought provoking stuff. But what I wanted to point out and hopefully revive a discussion of is a point …