Digital Britain Unconference Oxfordshire – Friday 1 May – RAL
On Friday (yes, that’s this Friday) a series of Unconferences that has been pulled together in response to the Digital Britain Report and Forum will kick of with one being held at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, near Didcot. The object of the meeting is to contribute to a coherent and succinct response to the current interim report and to try and get across to Government what a truly Digital Britain would look like. There is another unconference scheduled in Leeds and it is expected that more will follow.
If you are interested in attending the Oxfordshire meeting please register at the Eventbrite page. Registrations will close on Wednesday evening because I need to finalise the list for security the day before the meeting. I will send directions to registered attendees first thing on Thursday morning. In terms of the conduct of the unconference itself please bear in mind the admonishment of Alan Patrick:
One request I’d make – the other organisers are too polite to say it, but I will – one of the things that the Digital Britain team has made clear is that they will want feedback that is “positive, concise, based in reality and sent in as soon as possible”. That “based in reality” bit (that mainly means economics) puts a responsibility on us all to ensure all of us as attendees are briefed and educated on the subject before attending the unconference – ie come prepared, no numpties please, as that will dilute the hard work of others.
For information see the links on the right hand side of the main unconference series website, or search on “Digital Britain”
probably a stupid question, but I couldn’t find the provision for virtual attendance?
probably a stupid question, but I couldn’t find the provision for virtual attendance?
Yes, because I’m not quite that organized yet. There should be some video streaming and/or twittering depending on numbers. It may be a case of working it out on the day.
Yes, because I’m not quite that organized yet. There should be some video streaming and/or twittering depending on numbers. It may be a case of working it out on the day.
To the extent possible under law, Cameron Neylon has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Science in the Open. Published from the United Kingdom.
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