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[25 Mar 2008 | 8 Comments | ]

Frank Gibson of peanutbutter has left a long comment on my post about data models for lab notebooks which I wanted to respond to in detail. We have also had some email exchanges. This is essentially an incarnation of the heavyweight vs lightweight debate when it comes to tools and systems for description of experiments. I think this is a very important issue and that it is also subject to some misunderstandings about what we and others are trying to do. In particular I think we need to draw a …

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[24 Jan 2008 | Comments Off on Gotta love the tinfoil | ]

Michael Barton has a very nice little video on web tools for science and sharing up at Bioinformatics Zen.

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[16 Jan 2008 | Comments Off on Some surveys you may wish to fill out | ]

UK PubMedCentral, a UK mirror of PMC and a growing project at the British Library is soliciting responses to a survey:
Dear Colleague,
As you will know, UKPMC provides free access to an extensive repository of biomedical research literature, as well as an easy way for researchers to submit newly published work to meet the UKPMC Funders Group members’ Open Access requirements. The vision is for UKPMC to be much more than that!
As we enter the next stage of developing UKPMC into an innovative and useful resource for UK researchers we want …