Somewhat more complete report on BioSysBio workshop

The Queen's Tower, Imperial CollegeImage via Wikipedia

This has taken me longer than expected to write up. Julius Lucks, John Cumbers, and myself lead a workshop on Open Science on Monday 21st at the BioSysBio meeting at Imperial College London.  I had hoped to record screencast, audio, and possibly video as well but in the end the laptop I am working off couldn’t cope with both running the projector and Camtasia at the same time with reasonable response rates (its a long story but in theory I get my ‘proper’ laptop back tomorrow so hopefully better luck next time). We had somewhere between 25 and 35 people throughout most of the workshop and the feedback was all pretty positive. What I found particularly exciting was that, although the usual issues of scooping, attribution, and the general dishonestly of the scientific community were raised, they were only in passing, with a lot more of the discussion focussing on practical issues. Continue reading “Somewhat more complete report on BioSysBio workshop”

Open Science at PSB – Call for submissions

What Shirley said:

The call for participation for the Open Science workshop at PSB 2009 is now up! We welcome anyone with an interest in open science to submit proposals for talks. Note that although space is limited for talks and demos, anyone who registers for the conference can present a poster, so we also encourage poster submissions!

Please if you are interested in submitting a talk or poster get in touch. We would like to have a good and robust discussion with a range of perspectives on a range of topics. We are limited with respect to the time available so there will be some tough decisions to make. Nonetheless, please do get in touch; we would very much like to have a good representation of posters as well as talks. If there is interest then we can organise an unofficial session on the side of the meeting to take things further, perhaps towards ‘Open Science 2009’  a meeting in its own right?