How to waste public money in one easy step…

Oleic Acid
Image via Wikipedia

Peter Murray-Rust has sparked off another round in the discussion of the value that publishers bring to the scholarly communication game and told a particular story of woe and pain inflicted by the incumbent publishers. On the day he posted that I had my own experience of just how inefficient and ineffective our communication systems are by wasting the better part of the day trying to find some information. I thought it might be fun to encourage people to post their own stories of problems and frustrations with access to the literature and the downstream issues that creates, so here is mine.

I am by no means a skilled organic chemist but I’ve done a bit of synthesis in my time and I certainly know enough to be able to read synthetic chemistry papers and decide whether a particular synthesis is accessible. So on this particular day I was interested in deciding whether it was easy or difficult to make deuterated mono-olein. This molecule can be made by connecting glycerol to oleic acid. Glycerol is cheap and I should have in my hands some deuterated oleic acid in the next month or so. The chemistry for connecting acids to alcohols is straightforward, I’ve even done it myself, but this is a slightly special case. Firstly the standard methods tend to be wasteful of the acid, which in my case is the expensive bit. The second issue is that glycerol has three alcohol groups. I only want to modify one, leaving the other two unchanged, so it is important to find a method that gives me mostly what I want and only a little of what I don’t.

So the question for me is: is there a high yielding reaction that will give me mostly what I want, while wasting as little as possible of the oleic acid? And if there is a good technique is it accessible given the equipment I have in the lab? Simple question, quick trip to Google Scholar, to find reams of likely looking papers, not one of which I had full text access to. The abstracts are nearly useless in this case because I need to know details of yields and methodology so I had several hundred papers, and no means of figuring out which might be worth an inter-library loan. I spent hours trying to parse the abstracts to figure out which were the most promising and in the end I broke…I asked someone to email me a couple of pdfs because I knew they had access. Bear in mind what I wanted to do was spend a quick 30 minutes or so to decide whether this was pursuing in detail. What is took was about three hours, which at full economic cost of my time comes to about £250. That’s about £200 of UK taxpayers money down the toilet because, on the site of the UKs premiere physical and biological research facilities I don’t have access to those papers. Yes I could have asked someone else to look but that would have taken up their time.

But you know what’s really infuriating. I shouldn’t even have been looking at the papers at all when I’m doing my initial search. What I should have been able to do was ask the question:

Show me all syntheses of mono-olein ranked first by purity of the product and secondly by the yield with respect to oleic acid.

There should be a database where I can get this information. In fact there is. But we can’t afford access to the ACS’ information services here. These are incredibly expensive because it used to be necessary for this information to be culled from papers by hand. But today that’s not necessary. It could be done cheaply and rapidly. In fact I’ve seen it done cheaply and rapidly by tools developed in Peter’s group that get around ~95% accuracy and ~80% recall over synthetic organic chemistry. Those are hit rates that would have solved my problem easily and effectively.

Unfortunately despite the fact those tools exist, despite the fact that they could be deployed easily and cheaply, and that they could save researchers vast amounts of time research is being held back by a lack of access to the literature, and where there is access by contracts that prevent us collating, aggregating, and analysing our own work. The public pays for the research to be done, the public pays for researchers to be able to read it, and in most cases the public has to pay again if they should want to read it. But what is most infuriating is the way the public pays yet again when I and a million other scientists waste our time, the public’s time, because the tools that exist and work cannot be deployed.

How many researchers in the UK or world wide are losing hours or even days every week because of these inefficiencies. How many new tools or techniques are never developed because they can’t legally be deployed? And how many hundreds of millions of dollars of public money does that add up to?

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Tweeting the lab

Free twitter badge
Image via Wikipedia

I’ve been interested for some time in capturing information and the context in which that information is created in the lab. The question of how to build an efficient and useable laboratory recording system is fundamentally one of how much information is necessary to record and how much of that can be recorded while bothering the researcher themselves as little as possible.

The Beyond the PDF mailing list has, since the meeting a few weeks ago, been partly focused on attempts to analyse human written text and to annotate these as structured assertions, or nanopublications. This is also the approach that many Electronic Lab Notebook systems attempt to take, capturing an electronic version of the paper notebook and in some cases trying to capture all the information in it in a structured form. I can’t help but feel that, while this is important, it’s almost precisely backwards. By definition any summary of a written text will throw away information, the only question is how much. Rather than trying to capture arbitrary and complex assertions in written text, it seems better to me to ask what simple vocabulary can be provided that can express enough of what people want to say to be useful.

In classic 80/20 style we ask what is useful enough to interest researchers, how much would we lose, and what would that be? This neatly sidesteps the questions of truth (though not of likelihood) and context that are the real challenge of structuring human authored text via annotation because the limited vocabulary and the collection of structured statements made provides an explicit context.

This kind of approach turns out to work quite well in the lab. In our blog based notebook we use a one item-one post approach where every research artifact gets its own URL. Both the verbs, the procedures, and the nouns, the data and materials, all have a unique identifier. The relationships between verbs and nouns is provided by simple links. Thus the structured vocabulary of the lab notebook is [Material] was input to [Process] which generated [Data] (where Material and Data can be interchanged depending on the process).  This is not so much 80/20 as 30/70 but even in this very basic form in can be quite useful. Along with records of who did something and when, and some basic tagging this actually makes a quite an effective lab notebook system.

The question is, how can we move beyond this to create a record which is richer enough to provide a real step up, but doesn’t bother the user any more than is necessary and justified by the extra functionality that they’re getting. In fact, ideally we’d capture a richer and more useful record while bothering the user less. A part of the solution lies in the work that Jeremy Frey’s group have done with blogging instruments. By having an instrument create a record of it’s state, inputs and outputs, the user is freed to focus on what their doing, and only needs to link into that record when they start to do their analysis.

Another route is the approach that Peter Murray-Rust’s group are exploring with interactive lab equipment, particularly a fume cupboard that can record spoken instructions and comments and track where objects are, monitoring an entire process in detail. The challenge in this approach lies in translating that information into something that is easy to use downstream. Audio and video remain difficult to search and worth with. Speech recognition isn’t great for formatting and clear presentation.

In the spirit of a limited vocabulary another approach is to use a lightweight infrastructure to record short comments, either structured, or free text. A bakery in London has a switch on its wall which can be turned to one of a small number of baked good as a batch goes into the oven. This is connected to a very basic twitter client then tells the world that there are fresh baked baguettes coming in about twenty minutes. Because this output data is structured it would in principle be possible to track the different baking times and preferences for muffins vs doughnuts over the day and over the year.

The lab is slightly more complex than a bakery. Different processes would take different inputs. Our hypothetical structured vocabulary would need to enable the construction of sentences with subjects, predicates, and objects, but as we’ve learnt with the lab notebook, even the simple predicate “is input to”, “is output of” can be very useful. “I am doing X” where X is one of a relatively small set of options provides real time bounds on when important events happened. A little more sophistication could go a long way. A very simple twitter client that provided a relatively small range of structured statements could be very useful. These statements could be processed downstream into a more directly useable record.

Last week I recorded the steps that I carried out in the lab via the hashtag #tweetthelab. These free text tweets make a serviceable, if not perfect, record of the days work. What is missing is a URI for each sample and output data file, and links between the inputs, the processes, and the outputs. But this wouldn’t be too hard to generate, particularly if instruments themselves were actually blogging or tweeting its outputs. A simple client on a tablet, phone, or locally placed computer would make it easy to both capture and to structure the lab record. There is still a need for free text comments and any structured description will not be able to capture everything but the potential for capturing a lot of the detail of what is happening in a lab, as it happens, is significant. And it’s the detail that often isn’t recorded terribly well, the little bits and pieces of exactly when something was done, what did the balance really read, which particular bottle of chemical was picked up.

Twitter is often derided as trivial, as lowering the barrier to shouting banal fragments to the world, but in the lab we need tools that will help us collect, aggregate and structure exactly those banal pieces so that we have them when we need them. Add a little bit of structure to that, but not too much, and we could have a winner. Starting from human discourse always seemed too hard for me, but starting with identifying the simplest things we can say that are also useful to the scientist on the ground seems like a viable route forward.

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Science Commons Symposium – Redmond 20th February

Science Commons
Image by dullhunk via Flickr

One of the great things about being invited to speak that people don’t often emphasise is that it gives you space and time to hear other people speak. And sometimes someone puts together a programme that means you just have to shift the rest of the world around to make sure you can get there. Lisa Green and Hope Leman have put together the biggest concentration of speakers in the Open Science space that I think I have ever seen for the Science Commons Symposium – Pacific Northwest to be held on the Microsoft Campus in Redmond on 20 February. If you are in the Seattle area and have an interest in the future of science, whether pro- or anti- the “open” movement, or just want to hear some great talks you should be there. If you can’t be there then watch out for the video stream.

Along with me you’ll get Jean-Claude Bradley, Antony Williams, Peter Murray-Rust, Heather Joseph, Stephen Friend, Peter Binfield, and John Wilbanks. Everything from policy to publication, software development to bench work, and from capturing the work of a single researcher to the challenges of placing several hundred millions dollars worth of drug discovery data into the public domain. All with a focus on how we make more science available and generate more and innovative. Not to be missed, in person or online – and if that sounds too much like self promotion then feel free to miss the first talk… ;-)

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