Now about that filter…

A talk given in two slightly different forms at the NFAIS annual meeting 2010 (where I followed Clay Shirkey, hence the title) and at the Society for General Microbiology in Edinburgh in March. In the first case the talk was part of a panel of presentations intended to give the view of “scholars” to the information professionals. In the second it was part of a session looking at the application of web based tools to research and education.

Abstract (NFAIS meeting): There was more scientific information generated in the past five years than has previously existed, and scientists are simply not coping. Despite the fact that the web was built to enable the communication of data and information between scientists the scientific community has been very slow in exploiting its full capabilities. I will discuss the development and state of the art of collaborative communication and filtering tools and their use by the scientific research community. The reasons for the lack of penetration and resistance to change will be discussed along with the outlines of what a fully functional system would like and most importantly the way this would enable more effective and efficient research.

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