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Final countdown to Open Science@PSB

2 January 2009 4 Comments

As I noted in the last post we are rapidly counting down towards the final few days before the Open Science Workshop at the Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing. I am flying out from Sydney to Hawaii this afternoon and may or may not have network connectivity in the days leading up the meeting. So just some quick notes here on where you can find any final information if you are coming or if you want to follow online.

The workshop website is available at psb09openscience.wordpress.com and this is where information will be posted in the leadup to the workshop and links to presentations and any other information posted afterwards.

If you want to follow in closer to real time then there is a Friendfeed room available at friendfeed.com/rooms/psb-2009 which will have breaking information and live blogging during the workshop and throughout the conference. I will be aiming to broadcast video of the workshop at www.mogulus.com/cameron_neylon but this will depend on how well the wireless is working on the day. This will not be the highest priority. Updates on whether it is functioning or not will be in the friendfeed room and I will not be monitoring the chat room on the mogulus feed. If there are technical issues please leave a message in the friendfeed room and I will try to fix the problem or at least say if I can’t.

Otherwise I hope to see many of you at the workshop either in person or online!


  • Mike Chelen said:

    Can you configure Mogulus to send a Twitter or something when it is live? Good luck with the broadcast!
    Thanks for the info on the conference and FF rooms =)

  • Mike Chelen said:

    Can you configure Mogulus to send a Twitter or something when it is live? Good luck with the broadcast!
    Thanks for the info on the conference and FF rooms =)

  • Cameron Neylon said:

    I don’t think that’s easily feasible but I’ll have a look into it. I’ll certainly drop a message in the friendfeed room when/if it is live.

  • Cameron Neylon said:

    I don’t think that’s easily feasible but I’ll have a look into it. I’ll certainly drop a message in the friendfeed room when/if it is live.